Database integrity – entity integrity, referential integrity, attribute constraint naming clauses, domains

Article directory Database integrity 1. Entity integrity 1. Define entity integrity 2. Entity integrity check and breach handling 2. Referential integrity 1. Define referential integrity 2. Reference integrity check and default conditions 3. Constraints on attributes 1. Definition of constraints on attributes 2. Inspection of constraints on attributes and handling of breaches 4. Integrity constraint […]

MySQL error Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column solution

Error reason Using the GROUP BY statement violates sql_mode=only_full_group_by. In MySQL database version 5.7 or above, the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled by default. In this mode, for the group by operation, if the query column in the select statement is not in the group by appears, then this SQL is illegal because the column […]

MySql014–GROUP BY clause & sorting ORDER BY & SELECT clause order

Prerequisite: Use the products table created in “MySql006 – Retrieval of data: basic select statements (using products table, querying single column, multiple columns, all columns, DISTINCT to remove duplicate rows, LIMIT to limit the number of rows in returned results, and understanding full qualification)” 1. Basic usage of GROUP BY clause SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS […]


Syntax: SELECT select_expr [, select_expr …] FROM table_name [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY {col_name | expr} [ASC | DESC], … [WITH ROLLUP]] The GROUP BY clause divides the rows of a table into distinct groups for each distinct value of a given column or expression. Use the group function to return statistics for each group. Specify […]

Mybatis-Plus 3.4.x version multi-tenant associated SQL query clause is ambiguous exception

Column ‘tenant_id’ in where clause is ambiguous exception handling Tip: If you don’t have enough time, please ignore my long-winded background and the process of analyzing the problem below, and skip directly to the step of solving the problem! ! ! Background Recently, the company organized code vulnerability scanning, which exposed many problems, the most […]

mysql error -1055 – Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause solution

Table of Contents Business scene problem found Table Structure table data sql query analyse problem verify Solve the problem Option One Option II third solution Precautions Business scenario When you encounter duplicate data in the database, you need to group the data and take one of them to display. At this time, you need to […]

A Multi-Modal Neural Geometric Solver with Textual Clauses Parsed from Diagram

A Multi-Modal Neural Geometric Solver with Textual Clauses Parsed from Diagram Authors: Ming-Liang Zhang, Fei Yin, Cheng-Lin Liu Published in: IJCAI 2023 Conclusion The authors propose a new graph-text fusion solver, PGPS-Net, which combines textual terms parsed from graphs and builds a large-scale, finely annotated GPS dataset, PGPS9K. Through effective modality representation and efficient modality […]

PostgreSQL statements and clauses

Directory SELECT WITH LIMIT like WHERE GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY SELECT Results are stored in a result table, called a result set. Syntax The syntax of the SELECT statement is as follows: SELECT column1, column2,…columnN FROM table_name; column1, column2,…columnN are the field names in the table. table_name is the table name. If we want […]

The 4 schemes for MySQL to implement recursive query are consistent with the implementation of the CONNECT BY and START WITH clauses in Oracel

Write custom directory title here In my recent work, I need to transfer the Oracel library to the Mysql library. Some syntax is different, and the corresponding SQL statement needs to be rewritten. This time I encountered the modification of start with recursive query. The first solution, MySQL 8.0 or later, directly uses the WITH […]