Vue skills revealed: The difference and performance comparison between v-show and v-if are clear at a glance

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. Common points between v-show and v-if 2. The difference between v-show and v-if 3. Analysis of v-show and v-if principles v-show principle v-if […]

A clear explanation of Rust’s module system

Rust’s module system can be confusing and frustrating for new users. In this blog, I will explain the module system through real examples, so that you have a clear understanding of how the module system works and can immediately apply it to your project. Since Rust’s module system is quite special, I hope readers can […]

Algorithm Clearance Village Level 6 – Bronze Challenge Tree

Hello everyone, my name is Su Lin. Today I’m going to talk about trees. Outline tree concept Binary tree full binary tree complete binary tree tree nature Definition and storage of trees tree traversal Construct a binary tree from sequences Front and middle sequence traversal Middle and back sequence traversal The concept of tree Tree […]

Research on the principle of clearing the last frame of the camera using TextureView

Recently, I encountered an interesting problem while assisting a camera-related project. I will record it here. The original problem is probably that when using TextureView to preview the camera, after closing the camera, the last frame will remain on the screen, and it needs to be cleared. The method I used at the beginning was […]

Algorithmic Clearance Village – Classic Sliding Window Problem

Table of Contents Classic sliding window problem 1. The longest substring topic 1.1 The longest substring without repeated characters 1.2 The longest substring containing at most two different characters 1.3 The longest substring containing at most K different characters 2 subarray with minimum length 3 The container that holds the most water 4. Find substring […]

C++ implementation of MOEA\D algorithm, the code is simple and logically clear

Article directory Preface 1. Weight matrix and neighborhood? 2. Aggregation function 3. Complete source code Summarize Foreword I have been studying multi-objective optimization recently. I was confused when I first read the MOEA\D paper, so I decided to take a look at the author’s source code. Because the author’s C source code has too many […]

Use Python to implement automatic mine clearance! The webpage exclaimed: This is too fast!

Using Python + OpenCV to realize automatic mine clearance and break the world record, let’s take a look at the effect first. Intermediate – 0.74 seconds 3BV/S=60.81 I believe that many people have known about Minesweeper, a classic game (graphics card test) game (software) for a long time. Many people have heard of Chinese Minesweeper, […]