[Complete details] Use the Alibaba Cloud Toolkit plug-in to deploy front-end and back-end separation projects with one click

Foreword: In actual project development, if you need to update the project’s jar package or dist folder, you need to manually replace the current jar package or dist folder of the server, and then restart it through a shell script. Over time, this will become repetitive and cumbersome. If you are tired of the operation, […]

vue3/Amap realizes click on custom point/infoWindow custom pop-up window

<template> <div class=”app-container”> <div style=”background-color: #ffffff;”> <div id=”container”></div> </div> <div ref=”dialog” style=”position: fixed;”> <div class=”dialog”> <div class=”dialog-title”><span>Pressure Gauge</span> <img @click=”closeInfoWindow” src=”../assets/images/Delete (17).png” alt=”” srcset=””> </div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”detail”>View details</div> </div> <div class=”dialog1″> […]

python selenium clicks a series of buttons in the table and outputs the pop-up content to csv

A practical example of python selenium, heavier than the demo, but not too complicated. The trick is summarized as follows: The address of the latest chromedriver is https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing. This is very important, otherwise you will have to deal with annoying problems such as automatic chrome updates. Many download sources are a bit outdated. Use options […]

Use of Vue Zhongtian map to add points, lines, areas, convergence points, information windows, customized right-click menus, and switch map layer operations

The collection encapsulates several commonly used sky map methods for your own subsequent use and for everyone to directly CV. The comments are very detailed and can be used out of the box or copied. Add a single point marker Information window Information window parameters + click callback Add multiple point markers Add point aggregation […]

vue integrates Gaode map, click the icon, the van-action-sheet pops up, and explore the issues in a flash

Code <van-action-sheet v-model=”sheetShow” title=””> <div class=”van-list-vol”> <van-col span=”3″> <div> <van-image style=”height: 40px; width: 40px” round :src=” hospital.orgUrl ? hospital.orgUrl : require(‘@/assets/images/icon/search_hospital.png’) ” /> </div> </van-col> <van-col span=”21″ style=”margin-bottom: 10px”> <div style=”display: flex; margin-bottom: 10px”> <h3 style=”margin: 0; padding: 0; flex-grow: 2″> <span>{<!– –>{ hospital.orgName }}</span> </h3> </div> <div> <label class=”radius-blue” v-if=”hospital.orgLevel”> {<!– –>{ lev[hospital.orgLevel] }}{<!– […]

Android expands the clickable area range of View

Sometimes we encounter this requirement: the control itself is displayed in a small range, but the clickable area is required to be expanded. According to the official document https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/touch-and-input/gestures/viewgroup?hl=zh-cn#delegate, we can know that through the TouchDelegate class, the parent view can transfer the child view to The touchable area extends beyond the bounds of the […]

A brief discussion on ClickHouse aggregation and window functions

ClickHouse aggregate and window functions ClickHouse is a high-performance, columnar storage distributed database that is widely used in real-time data analysis, big data processing and other scenarios. In ClickHouse, aggregate functions and window functions are two very important functions that can help us summarize, count and analyze data. This article will introduce in detail the […]

[Tencent Cloud HAI Domain Exploration] Build a local SD text generation image application that never goes down–a rice-level high-performance application HAI deployment stable diffusion webui one-click Wenshengtu

Directory 1. High-performance application service HAI products + Stable Diffusion Webui deployment ideas 2. Start Stable Diffusion WebUI inference with one click 3. Use HAI JupyterLab connection to deploy StableDiffusion API 4. Use local IDE to realize one-click Wenshengtu on the private server Web side 5. Use Tencent Cloud Cloud Studio for rapid cloud development […]