Ubuntu vscode detailed installation and cmake configuration, git push and pull, shortcuts

Ubuntu vscode installation and cmake configuration detailed operations Install vscode https://blog.csdn.net/zhaomengszu/article/details/112261258 Solution to the slow or failed download of VSCode official website_vscode cannot be downloaded_Who knows this kid’s blog-CSDN blog 1. The official website may fail to download due to network problems. You can use the above method to download 2. First go to the […]

CMAKE: Facilitates joint programming between CUDA and other languages (C, C++, RUST)

In CUDA programming, especially when it involves multi-language mixed programming, such as C/C++ and CUDA or RUST and CUDA, etc., it is still troublesome to use the NVCC compiler to compile some large projects. Using cmake to configure compilation options is relatively simple and powerful. cmake is a powerful automated configuration tool that is open […]

Qt uses VCPKG, CMake, OpenCV and Tesseract to implement Chinese and English OCR

Article directory 1. Development platform 2. Download files 2.1 Download and install the OpenCV library 2.2 Download and install the Tesseract-OCR library 2.3 Download the trained language package 3. CMakeLists.txt content 4. Main.cpp 4.1 Mixed Chinese and English OCR 5. Set up CMake + vcpkg in Qt Creator 5.1 Modify in the initialization configuration file […]

win10 + vs2017 + cmake3.17 compile OSG-3.4.1

There are many bugs in it, and I have already solved them. This blog is only for my own notes, the writing is not very standardized and is for your reference only. Reference tutorial: https://blog.csdn.net/bailang_zhizun/article/details/120992244 Note: 1. Uncheck BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLE and BUILD_MFC_EXAMPLE. CMakeLists.txt can build these examples normally, but it is not configured to install these […]

ROS2 ament_cmake user documentation

Directory of series articles Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. Basic knowledge 1.1 Basic outline of the project 1.2 Compiler and linker options 1.3 Find dependencies 1.4 Add target 1.4.1 Library 1.4.2 Executable files 1.5 Linking to dependencies 1.6 Installation 1.6.1 Library 1.6.2 Executable files 2. Examples Foreword ament_cmake is a […]

opencv Cmake command

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib/modules .. -DWITH_CUDA=1 -DENABLE_FAST_MATH=1 -DCUDA_FAST_MATH=1 -DWITH_CUBLAS=1 -DOPENCV_GENERATE_ PKGCONFIG=1 -opencv_ENABLE_NONFREE=1 -BUILD_opencv_world=ON -DCUDA_GENERATION=Pascal .. cmake compilation and module introduction, I will continue to add more if I encounter any that are not available later. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Specify the build type, such as Debug, Release, etc. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Specify the installation directory. BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: When set to ON, […]

Caffe-GPU+CUDA 8.0+CUDNN v5+CMAKE+Python2.7+VS2013+Win11 environment construction

I went through many pitfalls when setting up a Windows environment. Here I record the process and some solutions I tried to solve the problems. If possible, it is best to install an Ubuntu system on the machine to run it. 1. Environment (It does not necessarily follow my version of installation, it just provides […]

Modern CMake configuration and construction, sample templates, dynamic link libraries, find_package, cache variables, adding pseudo targets to start programs, directory organization, updating CMake

Directory Traditional CMake build installation Modern CMake Sample template dynamic link library find_package Use of cache variables Add pseudo target to launch program Directory organization Update CMake Traditional CMake build and installation review: PUBLIC means that the linked library will not only be applied to the current target, but will also be passed to other […]

In Qt Cmake compilation mode, adding Q_OBJECT macro compilation error: ninja:build stopped:subcommand failed.

1. Let’s talk about the answer first Q_OBJECT does not need to be compiled in the .cpp file. It needs to be compiled in .h. 2. I recently moved the C# project to Linux, so I started reading Qt. Even a small problem can cause it to get stuck for several days. Post the first […]

CMake syntax structure description

Article directory 1. Organization 1. Table of Contents 2. Script 3. Modules 2. Grammar 1. Encoding 2. Source files 3. Command call 4. Command parameters (1) Bracket parameters (2) Parameters with quotes (3) Unquoted parameters 5. Escape sequences 6. Variable reference 7. Comments (1) Bracket comments (2) Line comments 3. Control structure 1. Conditional block […]