When installing Bitcoin in Ubuntu, a make compilation error occurs or there is no such file when running ./configure –with-incompatible-bdb.

If you install Bitcoin by installing dependencies and get a make compilation error or run ./configure –with-incompatible-bdb and it shows that there is no such file, you can try my method. Reference: http://t.csdnimg.cn/bMdRc If you install this document, you will not be able to verify the path of the Bitcoin file, so you need to […]

[Compilation Principle] LR(1) Analysis Method: C/C++ Implementation

Personal homepage:Sarapines Programmer Series of columns: “Adventures in Compilation Principles”The fragrance of ink sent a clear message: The wind is blowing in the empty valley, and the crane and the moon are bright in the dream. The passion remains after thousands of years, and the determination to soar in the wind remains unwavering. Directory structure […]

Offline compilation of OpenCL kernel source code

Offline Compilation of OpenCL Kernel Sources Offline compilation of OpenCL kernel source code Aside from online compilation during application execution, OpenCL kernel sources can be compiled offline into binaries that can be loaded into the drivers using special API calls (e.g. clCreateProgramWithBinary or clCreateProgramWithIL). In addition to online compilation during application execution, the OpenCL kernel […]

Dynamic compilation technology based on .NET6 in C#

A few days ago, I had to solve a dynamic calculation problem and tried different methods. The problem is that given a string containing calculations, the calculation results are obtained while the program is running. At that time, dynamic compilation was considered and I checked some information on the Internet to complete this function. However, […]

OpenHarmony 4.0 Release compilation exception handling

1. Environment configuration Compilation environment: Ubuntu 20.04 OpenHarmony software version: 4.0 Release Equipment platform: rk3568 2. Drop-down code Refer to the official website for steps: OpenHarmony 4.0 Release source code acquisition repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b OpenHarmony-4.0-Release –no-repo-verify repo sync -c repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’ 3. Compile code Refer to the official website […]

Mapnik Windows10 compilation

Mapnik Windows10 Compilation Table of Contents Mapnik Windows10 compilation 1. Compilation tool preparation: 2. Environment variable settings: 3. Download the decompression package: 4. Source code compilation dependencies: 5. Compile mapnik source code 6. mapnik windows official website compiled version 1. Compilation tool preparation: vs2010 (download by yourself) GnuWin32 (required) https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/gnuwin32/make/3.81/make-3.81-bin.zip git (https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/msysgit/Git- patch (2) curl(2) […]

SLAM Lecture 14 ch7 compilation error undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)

[ 66%] Linking CXX executable pose_estimation_3d3d /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::width_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0xe): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::precision_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0x2e): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `VertexPose::oplusImpl(double const*)’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text._ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd[_ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd] + 0xa9b): […]

Compilation Principle: Special Topic 4 Operator-First Grammar Analysis Design Principle and Implementation

Article directory 1. Experimental purpose 2. Experimental requirements 3. Program implementation 3.1. Introduction to relevant environments 3.2. Main data structures 3.3. Program structure description 3.3.1. Design method 3.3.2. Function definition 4. Program testing 5. Experiment summary 5.1. Technical difficulties and solutions 5.2. Experimental thoughts and experience summary 1. Experiment purpose Through experiments, master and implement […]