Java GUI programming completes arithmetic test

1. Question requirements Write a small arithmetic test software to train primary school students’ arithmetic ability. The program consists of3classes, of which The Teacherclass object is responsible for giving arithmetic questions and judging whether the answer of the respondent is correct:ComputerFrameTheGUIinterface provided by the class object sees the question and passes it TheGUIinterface gives answers […]

Completely solve the problem of black screen or unchanged picture on Win11 lock screen interface

Problem description I don’t know what I did today. After a few operations, the picture on the lock screen interface of win11 became fixed. It used to have the effect of automatically changing the picture focused on windows, but now it is gone. Then I searched for help. After the second operation, the lock screen […]

The most complete collection of love codes in the history of C language and C++, with color flashing, character filling, and source code attached

The first type: red love code Go directly to the code: #include<stdio.h> #include<Windows.h> int main() {<!– –> system(” color 0c”);//Design program color printf(“It is a very happy thing to meet you, I love you!!!\\ “);//Print text \t float x,y,a;//define variables x,y,a \t for(y=1.5f;y>-1;y-=0.1f) {<!– –> for(x=-1.5f;x<1.5f;x + =.05f){<!– –> a=x*x + y*y-1; putchar(a*a*a-x*x*y*y*y<0.0f?’x’:’ ‘); } […]

SpringBoot3+Vue3+Mysql+Element Plus completes the database storage of blob type images, and the front end renders the base64 type images transmitted from the back end.

Foreword If your front-end and back-end separation project uses SpringBoot3 + Vue3 + Element Plus, and without OSS (object storage), use mysql to read and write images (may not be limited to images, to be tested). It took three days and after stepping on countless minefields, this function was finally completed. Presented to you. Complete […]

web3 takes out all completed orders from redux and renders them into the corresponding Table list

The above web3 React dapp project gets canceled and completed and all order data from the blockchain through events and stores them in redux. In we have got our order from the block Then we restore the above environment ganache ganache -d Then log in to MetaMask Then use our project to publish the contract […]