React technical principles and code development practice: React elements and components

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Background Introduction React introduction React (pronounced “reac?t”) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, launched by Facebook and open source. Its main feature is the declarative programming style, which makes the code more understandable, maintainable and reusable, so it is becoming more and more popular. […]

uniapp uses uview components to realize three-level linkage between provinces and municipalities (any three-level linkage)

<template> <view class=”invite”> <u-cell title=”Click to select” isLink :value=”value” @click=”change()”></u-cell> <u-picker :show=”show” ref=”uPicker” :columns=”columns” @confirm=”confirm” @cancel=”show=false” @change=”changeHandler” ></u-picker> </view> </template> <script> // import {<!– –> address } from ‘@/static/address.js’; export default {<!– –> data() {<!– –> return {<!– –> show: false, columns: [], origiData: [{<!– –> “code”: “110000”, “value”: “Beijing City”, “children”: [{<!– –> “code”: […]

Exploration and practice of building Window desktop applications using ElementUI components (WinForm)

Tip: Keep your mind clean Before you work on your software, you need to clean up your memory. Throw away everything in your mind for the time being. If you have trouble with something, don’t let it influence you. It is mostly the case that trouble will go away. If the trouble is so heavy […]

DataEase project source code analysis – in-depth analysis of the style of view components and custom style implementation

In-depth analysis of the styles of view components and custom style implementation Write in front 1. The project in this article is based on the description and testing of DateEase version 1.18.0; DateEase official website 2. Through this document, you can basically realize the visual parameter configuration modification and customization of almost all view component […]

Three major attributes of React components: refs

refs 1. Understand 2. What are the ways to create refs? 2.1. String Refs (not recommended) 2.2. Callback Refs 2.3. React.createRef() (recommended) 2.4. Through React Hook (functional component) 3. Example 3.1. Focus management 3.2. Text selection 3.3. Media playback 3.4. Forced trigger animation 3.5. Inherit third-party DOM libraries Reference address 1. Understand Refs are a […]

Encapsulate a vue3 multi-line text beyond omitting expansion/collapse and tooltip display components

Encapsulate a vue3 multi-line text beyond omitting expansion/collapse and tooltip display components Foreword I believe everyone can encounter such a problem. The text exceeds the omission, so how can we prevent the page from being filled with dense text and make all the content clear and convenient for users to see. When using the UI […]

Encapsulation of multi-functional components of Vue3.2 pop-up form

Combined with working examples, a multi-functional universal pop-up window component is encapsulated Technology used: Vue3.2 + arco-design + ts Function implementation: Realize the addition, deletion, modification and query of tables, realize the encapsulation of pop-up windows, and one pop-up window can adapt to the three functional points of addition, deletion and modification The general idea […]

React components are packaged and released to npm (create-react-app+ts+cesium)

React components are packaged and released to npm (create-react-app + ts + cesium) and continuously updated~ Build react framework Scaffolding generates react framework Expose configuration file Configure alias Run the project Reconstruction project svg error cesium related configuration codemirror configuration Reference content outside the src file in react Pack Package entry and exit configuration Package […]

Building orchestrator database high availability components

1. Foreword Let’s talk about why orchestrator is used as the high-availability component of the database instead of MHA. Because the mha component has a single point problem, while the orchestrator component can form a cluster and there will be no single point problem. 2. Construction Build mysql gtid master-slave Reference: mysql master-slave setup (gtid)-CSDN […]