Practical Data Analysis | K-means Algorithm – Analysis of Protein Consumption Characteristics

Table of Contents 1. Data and analysis objects 2. Purpose and analysis tasks 3. Methods and Tools 4. Data reading 5. Data understanding 6. Data preparation 7. Model training ?Edit 8. Model evaluation 9. Model tuning participates in prediction 1. Data and analysis objects txt file – “protein.txt”, mainly records 9 attributes of 25 countries. […]

KafkaConsumer consumption logic

Version: kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar Previously, I wanted to write a plug-in to modify the logic of the kafkaConsumer consumer and filter some messages based on headers. Therefore, we need to understand how kafkaConsumer pulls out consumption messages, and confirm whether filtering out messages before consumption will have any impact. The following is the relevant source code, explained […]

An in-depth introduction to RabbitMQ: sequential consumption, dead letter queue and delay queue

1. RabbitMQ 1.1 Core Components RabbitMQ is an open source message middleware that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and provides various important components to support the production, transmission and consumption of messages. Producer: The producer is the sender of messages and is responsible for publishing messages to the RabbitMQ server. Messages can contain […]

Use Arthas to analyze Java online interface time consumption

Project scenario In a production environment, it is often necessary to troubleshoot where in an interface is time-consuming. According to the previous practice, it may be by printing the logger, then patching and redeploying. @Test void testNeedTime() {<!– –> long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); AtomicInteger num1 = new AtomicInteger(1); IntStream.range(1,10).forEach(i-> num1.incrementAndGet()); long endTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();“Time […]

STM32-Power management (to achieve low power consumption)

Table of Contents Power management Power-on reset (POR) and power-down reset (PDR) Configure PVD monitoring function WFI and WFE commands Enter stop mode Enter standby mode Experimental link 1: PWR_PVD monitoring Experimental operation PVD configuration Test session Experimental session 2: PWR sleep mode Experimental operation Test session Experimental session 3: PWR standby mode Experimental operation […]

Arthas troubleshoots SpringBoot time consumption

Brief description Arthas official website: Arthas (Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool) is a powerful Java diagnostic tool that can monitor and analyze running Java applications. It uses bytecode injection to implement monitoring and debugging functions. Underlying principles Bytecode injection: Arthas uses bytecode injection technology to dynamically inject monitoring code and collect performance information by modifying […]

mq consumption concurrent queuing and idempotent mechanism implementation-redisson

1. What problems to solve and how to implement them Mainly to solve the problem of concurrent access queuing execution and repeated delivery to ensure idempotence. Implement technical solutions How to implement concurrent access and request queuing execution methods. @Redssion How to ensure idempotence when MQ repeats delivery. @redis First insert a topic of distributed […]

esp32-idf: Maintain wifi and Bluetooth connections at low power consumption

Write the directory title here 1 Introduction 2. Low power consumption to maintain wifi connection to Alibaba Cloud server 3. Maintain Bluetooth connection with low power consumption 4. Reference articles 1. Foreword Three low power consumption modes of esp32 chip: 1. Modem Sleep mode: In this mode, the CPU can run and the clock frequency […]

[RocketMQ Series 13] RocketMQ’s cluster core concept of consumption retry & dead letter queue & emergence and processing of idempotent messages

Hello, I am Fei Ge (wei158556), a coder. Thank you for reading this article. Welcome to connect three times with one click. 1. Python basics column, covering all basic knowledge in one place. If you buy it for 9.9 yuan, you will not suffer a loss or be cheated. Python from beginner to proficient 2. […]

Message queue RocketMQ message repeated consumption problem (causes and solutions)

Table of Contents 1. Reasons for repeated consumption 2. Solve 2.1 Database insertion method 2.2 Using Bloom filters 2.2.1 Add hutool dependencies 2.2.2 Test producer 2.2.2 Test consumers 1. Reasons for repeated consumption In BROADCASTING (broadcasting) mode, all registered consumers will consume, and these consumers are usually microservices deployed in the cluster, so that multiple […]