DevOps application solution based on Docker containers

Table of Contents Experimental requirements: 1. Preparation work 2.gitlab host operation 3. harbor host operation 4. jenkins host operation Write jenkins pipeline script Experimental requirements: 1. Deploy gitlab and upload the code of the above project to your own gitlab warehouse (the first host) 2. Deploy jenkins based on tomcat (second host) 3. Deploy harbor […]

k8s’s Init Containers container implements code version upgrade release and deployment version rollback: practical operation version

Initialization containers in Pod: Init Containers Theoretical premise of initContainers implementation: Containers in the same Pod share network, volume and other resources Init Containers In Kubernetes, an init container is a container that is started and executed before other containers in the same Pod. Its purpose is to perform initialization logic for the main application […]

A redis3 master-3-slave cluster built based on hash slots using docker containers

1. Construction background Cluster mode-docker version, hash slot partition for billion-level data storage 1. 100-200 million pieces of data need to be cached. How to design it? Answer: Using distributed storage, there are generally three solutions in the industry The first type: hash remainder partition (generally used by small factories) Disadvantages: The biggest disadvantage of […]

4 ways for IOC containers to create bean instances

Personal public account: 😕 Can be programmed? Personal Creed: Be content with what you are satisfied with and know what you are not enough to do. Do something or not do something. Both doing and not doing are acceptable Introduction to this article: This article records 4 ways for IOC containers to create bean instances. […]

Revealing the principle of DNS resolution in docker containers

Background While using docker these days, I encountered some problems with DNS resolution in the container. So I took some time to figure out the principle and wrote this article to share. 1. Container started by docker run command Take starting a busybox container as an example: root@ubuntu20:~# docker run -itd –name u1 busybox 63b59ca8aeac18a09b63aaf4a14dc80895d6de293017d01786cac98cccda62ae […]

About fingerprint collection of web applications and containers and production of automation software

Ninety percent of the penetration of a Web application starts with information collection, so information collection is particularly important. The collection of key information can make you more comfortable in later infiltration. If infiltration is like walking through a dark maze, then information collection can help you light up most of the maps in the […]

(4) Docker: Create the same network for mysql and java jar operating environments, and interconnect containers

After reading a lot of information, one of the reasons for interconnection is that the IP address in the container is not fixed. If another container starts after shutting down and restarting, the previous IP will be occupied. Therefore, interconnection creates a network so that several containers can be on the same Network, you can […]

Unordered series associative containers–detailed explanation and usage examples of hash structure

Directory unordered series associative containers unordered_map Hash Hash concept Hash function Direct addressing method: Division with remainder method: Hash collision Resolve hash collisions Closed hash: Open hash: Underlying structure hash table–code implementation: Use hash structure to implement set: Use hash structure to implement map: Applications of hashing bitmap bitmap concept Bitmap implementation bloom filter Bloom […]

How to use docker to create multiple database containers: mysql, redis, mongodb, neo4j

Article directory Preface mysql Pull image Run container redis Pull image Run container mongodb Pull image Run container neo4j Pull image Run container docker-compose General configuration Use .env files for environment variable configuration .env file case docker-compose.yml file case Bug description Summarize Foreword In the world of software development, the database is an indispensable part, […]

About fingerprint collection of web applications and containers and production of automation software

Ninety percent of the penetration of a Web application starts with information collection, so information collection is particularly important. The collection of key information can make you more comfortable in later infiltration. If infiltration is like walking through a dark maze, then information collection can help you light up most of the maps in the […]