Copying, assigning, cleaning and moving C++ objects

Copying, assigning, cleaning and moving objects MyString class Assignment and copying of objects /*Rectangular class*/ class Rectangle {<!– –> public: int length = 1; //length int width = 2; //width public: Rectangle() = default; Rectangle(int L, int W) :length{<!– –> L }, width{<!– –> W } {<!– –>}; void Print(void) const {<!– –> cout << […]

[UG\ X secondary development] NXOpen point-to-point moving face (admMoveFaceBuilder), point-to-point copying face (copyFaceBuilder)

//Move the surface from point to point tag_t P2P_move_face(std::vector<tag_t> faces, double pt1[3], double pt2[3]) { if (faces.empty()) { return false; } Session *theSession = Session::GetSession(); Part *workPart(theSession->Parts()->Work()); Part *displayPart(theSession->Parts()->Display()); Features::AdmMoveFace *nullFeatures_AdmMoveFace(NULL); if (!workPart->Preferences()->Modeling()->GetHistoryMode()) { throw NXException::Create(“Create or edit of a Feature was recorded in History Mode but playback is in History-Free Mode.”); } Features::AdmMoveFaceBuilder *admMoveFaceBuilder1; […]

Problems in implementing deep copy using JSON method

In today’s front-end interviews, deep copies appear very frequently. Among the general questions, you may first be asked, what is deep copy, and what are the ways to implement deep copy? You may answer a few points, such as through JSON.strinfy and JSON.parse provided by the JSON object, because this This implementation method is extremely […]

System.arraycopy for array copy

In order to test the difference between the two, I wrote a simple program that assigns int[100000] for comparison, and used nanoTime to calculate the time difference: The procedure is as follows: int[] a = new int[100000]; for(int i=0;i<a.length;i + + ){ a[i] = i; } int[] b = new int[100000]; int[] c = new […]

ueditor rich text copy and paste word content containing pictures, and supports screenshots or copying and pasting pictures separately

Background The company’s recent upgrade project requires rich text to support the copying and pasting of word content containing multiple pictures. There is no other way. For the sake of user experience, we can only find a solution. Through various data searches, we have sorted out an effective solution for personal testing. Plan: 1. Listen […]

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing Preface 1. What is Ace Editor? 2. Usage steps 1.Installation 2. Package components 3. Page introduction 3. Functions such as formatting, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing 1. Organize the format 2.Download 3.Copy 3.Search 4. Replacement Summarize Foreword Since […]

Static, friendly, intrinsic: parsing these special elements in C++ and optimizations for object copying

W…Y’s homepage Code repository sharing Foreword: Previously we learned many knowledge points about classes and objects in C++. Today we continue to study classes and objects. Finally, we will summarize some keywords in classes and objects, as well as details that need attention. Full of useful information, we will set off between us. Table of […]

C++ copy constructor

Article directory Preface 1. Concept 2.Characteristics 3.Default copy constructor 4. Deep copy, shallow copy a.Shallow copy b. Deep copy Summarize Foreword In the last article, I briefly introduced the two special functions of the class-Constructor and destructor. The constructor is mainly used to initialize the member variables of the object, and the analysis function The […]

5. Deep copy and shallow copy + return value optimization

Deep copy and shallow copy + return value optimization Concept In C++, deep copy and shallow copy are two different methods of object copying, and they show different behaviors when dealing with dynamically allocated memory. Shallow Copy: Shallow copy refers to copying the value of the data member of one object to another object, but […]