Multiple instance problems encountered by SpringBoot integrating scheduled tasks

Talk part That’s right. I improved the logging of scheduled tasks a few days ago. Today I switched servers, deployed one more node, and used nginx load balancing. However, when I checked the logs, I found the following situation. That’s bad, the legendary multi-instance problem has appeared. Today we will talk about how to do […]

Data analysis tool: Application skills of Python counter Counter

More learning content Counter is a powerful tool provided in the collections module of the Python standard library, which is used to count the occurrences of hashable objects. The use of counters is very flexible and can solve various counting and statistical problems. This article introduces counters in Python, including their basic usage, advanced features, […]

Solve the problems encountered by UniAD when running under high versions of CUDA and pytorch

UniAD is oriented to driving planning set perception (target detection and tracking) and mapping (not mapping the environment like SLAM, but real-time panoramic segmentation of roads and isolation zones in images) It is a unified large model that integrates multi-task modules such as trajectory planning and occupancy prediction. The installation instructions on the official website […]

LPA3588 Pitfalls encountered when using apt in Ubuntu20.04

LPA3588 Pitfalls encountered when using apt in Ubuntu20.04 I’ve made a fool of myself today I just got a LPA3588 board with Ubuntu20.04 pre-installed. First, based on my previous experience of using ubuntu on the x86 architecture, I went to the Huawei mirror source and replaced the /etc/apt/sources.list of ubuntu-ports without any brain. It went […]

Gin framework-A summary of problems encountered in running the terminal and their solutions (1)

1. panic: html/template: pattern matches no files: `template/**/**/*` Terminal full text code: 10:3:12 app | [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached. [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in “debug” mode. Switch to “release” mode in production. – using env: export GIN_MODE=release – using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) 10:3:13 app | panic: html/template: […]

High-quality 51 microcontroller timer/counter explanation

Understand the timer/counter of 51 microcontroller in one article Foreword: Timer/Counter 1. Goals: 2. 51 microcontroller timer/counter 2.1. The essence of timer/counter 2.2. 51-core microcontroller fixed/counter design ideas 2.3 Working principle (compare the following text with the picture above to understand) Foreword: Most of the explanations about timers on the Internet start with an introduction […]

Current limiting algorithm (counter, sliding time window, funnel, token) principle and code implementation

Article directory Preface 1. Counter (fixed time window) algorithm principle Code Problems 2. Sliding time window algorithm principle Code Problems 3. Leaky bucket algorithm principle Code Problems 4. Token bucket algorithm principle Code at last This article will explain these four current limiting algorithms in detail and output code examples for implementing the current limiting […]