Linux offline installation of cuda&cudnn and configuration of the machine and its environment packaging and migration

cuda installation cuda version adaptation Check the cuda version number supported by your computer [You can skip this step if you install the cuda toolkit on a supercomputing platform] CUDA toolkit Download official website download cuda toolkit Upload the downloaded .run executable file to the platform for offline installation $ cd /uploaded directory $ chmod […]

Deployment of yolov8 tensorrt model under Jetson Xavier NX (Jetpack5.1.2, CUDA11.4, Cudnn8.6.0, Tensorrt8.5.2)

Article directory Preface Jetson Xavier NX environment configuration 1. TensorRT-Alpha source code download 1. Source code download 2.File settings 2. Yolov8 model deployment 1. Export yolov8 onnx model 2. Use tensorrt to convert onnx files to trt files 3. Source code modification 4.Compile 5. Run Summarize refer to Foreword Records of the deployment process and […]

ubuntu 20.04 + cuda-11.8 + cudnn-8.6+TensorRT-8.6

1. Install graphics card driver ubuntu20.04 + cuda10.0 + cudnn7.6.4_Who am I? ? Blog-CSDN Blog View supported driver versions: Check the driver information that can be configured by the local graphics card lu@host:/usr/local$ ubuntu-drivers devices == /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0 == modalias : pci:v000010DEd000021C4sv000010DEsd000021C4bc03sc00i00 vendor: NVIDIA Corporation model: TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER] driver: nvidia-driver-525-open-distro non-free driver: nvidia-driver-450-server […]

Caffe-GPU+CUDA 8.0+CUDNN v5+CMAKE+Python2.7+VS2013+Win11 environment construction

I went through many pitfalls when setting up a Windows environment. Here I record the process and some solutions I tried to solve the problems. If possible, it is best to install an Ubuntu system on the machine to run it. 1. Environment (It does not necessarily follow my version of installation, it just provides […]

DeepFaceDeployment 04Lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis framework deepface uses Docker to deploy two versions of CPU+GPU and cuDNN installation

Use Docker to deploy CPU + GPU 1.CPU 2.GPU 3.cuDNN installation 3.1 Prerequisites 3.2 Download Linux version cuDNN 3.3 Installation 1.CPU This description is based on DeepFace’s Docker image file deepface_image.tar. # 1. Import image docker load -i deepface_image.tar # 2. Create a model folder [and upload the downloaded model file] mkdir -p /root/.deepface/weights/ # […]

How to install CUDA & cuDNN on Ubuntu 22.04

————install cuda———– Install NVIDIA drivers Update & upgrade sudo apt update & amp; & amp; sudo apt upgrade Remove previous NVIDIA installation sudo apt autoremove nvidia* –purge Check Ubuntu devices ubuntu-drivers devices You will install the NVIDIA driver whose version is tagged with recommended Install Ubuntu drivers sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall Install NVIDIA drivers My recommended […]

Install cuda, cudnn and cupy packages on the Linux server, and reinstall cuda, cudnn and other packages

Updated on December 7, 2023 Install the cuda tool package and cuDnn library on the server, as well as install the cupy package This article is also very good, you can also refer to it (If you want to uninstall the original graphics driver and cuda, please see the next chapter) Reference article: […]

“Installing cuda and cudnn under heqingchun-ubuntu system”

Installing cuda and cudnn under ubuntu system 1. Install dependencies 1.Update sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y 2. Basic tools sudo apt install -y build-essential 2. Install CUDA 1. File download URL Click in turn (1)”CUDA Toolkit 11.6.2″ (2)”Linux” (3)”x86_64″ (4)”Ubuntu” (5)“20.04” (6)”runfile(local)” Under “Installation Instructions:” are the download and installation instructions Download […]

GPU server installation driver, cuda, cudnn and tensorflow

System version compatibility requirements centos7.2 cuda9.0 cudnn7.4 centos7.5 cuda9.2 cudnn7.4 Install gcc yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel package manage-overview 1. Install gpu graphics card driver View nvidia gpu information # nvidia-smi 2. Install nvidia detection 2.1 Add ElRepo source # rpm –import # rpm –import # rpm -Uvh 2.2. Install […]

20. Ubuntu22.04 + RTX2080 configuration graphics driver + CUDA + cuDNN

Twenty, Ubuntu22.04 + RTX2080 configuration graphics driver + CUDA + cuDNN 1. According to the NVIDIA graphics card model, download the corresponding graphics card driver 2. According to the graphics card driver, download the corresponding CUDA 3. According to the CUDA version, download the corresponding cuDNN library 1. According to the NVIDIA graphics card model, […]