Improvements to HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8

Table of Contents Intro New Config HttpLoggingInterceptor More References Intro .NET 6 began to introduce an http logging middleware. We can use the http logging middleware to record request and response information, but the scalability is not very strong. In the .NET 8 version, some optimizations were made and some New configuration and HttpLoggingInterceptor make […]

AI singer, debuted in C position, implements audio singing synthesis operation based on PaddleHub/Diffsinger (Python3.10)

Music professionals who understand music theory can express their musical creativity and ideas by writing music scores and playing musical instruments. However, if amateurs who do not know music music also want to play music across the border, the threshold is a bit high. However, with the rapid iteration of artificial intelligence technology, anyone can […]

Monitoring tool: Prometheus monitoring middleware (Nginx, Redis, MySql, etc.)

Our products currently use middleware such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySql, etc. This article introduces how to use Promtheus to monitor these middleware. There is a picture in “Monitoring Tool: Introduction and Installation of Prometheus” that shows the data trend of Prometheus, as follows: As can be seen from the figure, the first step in […]

Pre-middle and post-order traversal (recursive and non-recursive) and level-order traversal of binary trees

Pre-middle and post-order traversal (recursive and non-recursive) and level-order traversal of binary trees Article directory Pre-middle and post-order traversal (recursive and non-recursive) and level-order traversal of binary trees Preface 1. Recursive implementation 1. Preorder traversal 2. In-order traversal 3. Post-order traversal 2. Non-recursive implementation 1. Preorder traversal 2. In-order traversal 3. Postorder traversal 3. Layer […]

SpringBoot–middleware technology-3: Integrate mongodb, integrate ElasticSearch, attached case with code (simple and easy to understand)

SpringBoot integrates mongodb Implementation steps: pom file import coordinates <!–mongo–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> Yaml configuration file configures mongodb: spring: data: mongodb: uri: mongodb://localhost/spring Just create a pojo @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class Book {<!– –> private int id; private String name; […]

recycleView (2) Grid, there is spacing in the middle, left, right, top, and bottom have no spacing

1. Function 1. Renderings The top, bottom, right and left of item are all 0 2. Code 1. Key code //Set the spacing between RecycleView items. The upper and lower spacing is 20 for sorting, and the left and right spacing is 20 for sorting. binding.rv.addItemDecoration(object : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {<!– –> override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: […]

How to use fiddler to capture mobile phone packets and filters!

1. The difference between Fiddler and other packet capture tools 1. Although Firebug can capture packets, it is not powerful enough to analyze the detailed information of http requests. The function of simulating HTTP requests is not enough, and Firebug often requires “no refresh modification”. If the page is refreshed, all modifications will not be […]

Do you know Online DDL?

Table of Contents What is Online DDL? What problems does Online DDL solve? Classification Copy Prepare Execute Commit copy algorithm process Inplace Prepare Execute Commit inplace algorithm process Instant Use third-party tools to implement Online DDL gh-ost pt-osc Some additions Summary Online DDL syntax What is Online DDL? Online DDL (Online Data Definition Language) refers […]

canal and dbz ddl and dml data structure

canal and dbz ddl and dml data structures canal dml {<!– –> “canalId”:”canal-server-86d87f6cc7-b9x58:11111″, “comment”:{<!– –> “traceId”:”ce27f63948934680b6010e2d22eea76b.34.16976519950082421|4ad7d32221f36288″, “userId”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″, “”:”prodawsbjgray” }, “data”:[ {<!– –> “id”:”22a88c4a-edbe-4a7f-a55d-3b7436704795″, “time_create”:”1697472177437″, “is_finished”:”0″ }, {<!– –> “id”:”238bfa16-0c5e-48b1-a2a5-b9eb82f69969″, “time_create”:”1697472123796″, “is_finished”:”0″ } ], “database”:”main”, “es”:1697652000000, “id”:41127228, “isDdl”:false, “mysqlType”:{<!– –> “id”:”char(36)”, “time_create”:”bigint(20)”, “is_finished”:”tinyint(1)” }, “old”:null, “pkNames”:null, “sql”:””, “sqlType”:{<!– –> “id”:1, “time_create”:-5, “is_finished”:-7 }, “table”:”orderitemreceiveuniquerecord”, “traceId”:”ce27f63948934680b6010e2d22eea76b.34.16976519950082421|4ad7d32221f36288″, “transactionId”:”eb682fa3-4bb9-11ec-9342-02373ee17996:1-8122380830,5f5ff1bb-f4c9-11ed-9a25-02eca4b43118:1-5131967243,af89e972-6428-11ed-85b9-022 […]

PaddleNLP Natural Language Processing Knowledge Graph When using uie-x-base, uie-m-large, uie-m-base models, an error Out of memory error on GPU 0 gpu memory is not enough

Hi, I’m @ cargoyouxing I’m interested in … I’m currently learning… ?I’m looking to collaborate on… How to reach me… README directory (continuously updated) Various error handling, crawler practice and templates, Baidu Intelligent Cloud face recognition, computer vision deep learning CNN image recognition and classification, PaddlePaddle natural language processing knowledge graph, GitHub, operation and maintenance… […]