Assembly language: summing decimal numbers of arbitrary length

1. Question requirements Enter the sum of two decimal numbers of any length (within 20 digits) on the keyboard. Use “-” to identify negative numbers. Positive numbers can be left unsigned or added with a “+” sign. (Assembly language programming environment used: Masm for Windows integrated experimental environment 2012.5) 2. Question Analysis This question requires […]

Do “Numbers retain specified decimal places” via BigDecimal

Requirements: Keep the obtained Double type value to 2 decimal places without rounding Proposal: Precise number calculation and formatting with BigDecimal public static void main(String[] args) { double num = 14.5684; int decimalPlaces = 2; // Reserve 2 digits BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(num)); bd = bd.setScale(decimalPlaces, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); // Keep 2 decimal places and do […]

Solution/algorithm {\255. Kth decimal}

Solution/algorithm {\255. Kth decimal} @LINK:; For array A, find the Kth decimal in the interval A[l…r]; . For example, A = [5,3,2,3,1], for A[123] = [2(1st decimal), 3(1st decimal) 2nd smallest), 3(3rd smallest)]; Algorithm-(persistent segment tree + weighted segment tree) 1: Discretize the array into [0, Range); (of course if min(A)>=0 & amp; & […]

JS decimal operation precision loss problem

In your work, do you often encounter the calculation of some data indicators, such as percentage conversion, how many decimal places to keep, etc.? Then the calculation will be inaccurate and the data precision will be lost. Through this sharing, the problem of data accuracy loss can be easily solved with the help of third-party […]

Hexadecimal (base conversion) (Python)

Hex 1. Base conversion Let’s look at decimal and binary first (1) The essence of base conversion We use short division to convert decimal to binary. “Number system” is just a system of symbols to represent the amount of the referenced “quantity”. We use the symbol “1” to represent this concept of “quantity”. The “quantities” […]

Java: Use the BigDecimal class to cleverly handle the precision loss of the Double type

Key points of this article Briefly describe the reasons why precision is lost when converting floating point from decimal to binary. Introduce the differences between several ways to create BigDecimal. A collection of tools for high-precision calculations. I learned the provisions of Alibaba Java Development Manual on BigDecimal equality. Classic problem: loss of precision of […]

The Ubuntu system uses gcc and Makefile to compile C programs and Devc++ programs based on “euclidean division” from decimal to binary.

Ubuntu download Understanding the virtual machine Vmware A virtual machine refers to a complete computer system with complete hardware system functions simulated by software and running in a completely isolated environment. Next, we will install Ubuntu via Vmware. Download VMware Workstation Pro | CN Ubuntu download Ubuntu System Tutorial Practical Operation 1: Download and Installation […]