[Comprehensive explanation of Linux commands] 051. Field delimiters and process control in the Linux Awk scripting language

Article directory Set field delimiter flow control statement conditional judgment statement loop statement while statement for loop do loop Other statements Array application Array definition Read the value of an array Array related functions Use of two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays Learn `python` from scratch Set field delimiter The default field delimiter is a space, you […]

[Network programming] LineEncoder and DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder fixed collocation of codec in Netty

Author: Cheng Jiusheng Link: https://www.jianshu.com/p/025c62891ab4 Source: Jianshu Copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprint, please contact the author for authorization, for non-commercial reprint, please indicate the source. How to add special symbols at the end of the sentence to solve the problem of sticking/unpacking? There are two more classes in the netty class library, […]

Netty decodes delimiter-based and length-based protocols

In the process of using Netty, you will encounter delimiter and frame length based protocols that require decoders. Let’s look at the implementation provided by Netty to handle these scenarios. 1 Delimiter-based protocol Delimited message protocols use defined characters to mark the beginning or end of a message or message segment (often called a frame). […]

mysql database uses sql to count fields separated by special delimiters

need In a database table, the data in a field is separated by special symbols, and now it is necessary to count the number of pieces of data separated by separators. data preparation — —————————- — Table structure for persons — —————————- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `persons`; CREATE TABLE `persons` ( `id` int(0) NOT NULL […]

[Solved] MYSQL DELIMITER always reports an error

DELIMITER$ CREATE FUNCTION add_float(value1 FLOAT,value2 FLOAT) RETURNS FLOAT BEGIN DECLARE SUM_f FLOAT; SET SUM_f=value1 + value2; RETURN SUM_f; END $ DELIMITER ; A simple piece of code that adds two numbers and gives you an error message You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version […]