C++ template metatemplate (heterogeneous dictionary and policy template) – – – Part 2

Table of Contents 1. Representation of keys 1.1 Numerical conflict problem 1.2 Identifier management 2.3 Identifier management solution 2.4 How to pass string type as template parameter? 2.5 String literals 2.6 The trouble with strings as VarTypeDict keys 2.7 Use class (or structure) name as key 2. Brief performance analysis of VarTypeDict 3. Use std::tuple […]

2023/11/7–C#–The difference between generics and Object types, generic constraints, ArrayList variable array, Dictionary dictionary class in C#….

1. Use of generics Generics is a programming concept that allows you to write code that can handle non-specific data types, thereby improving code reusability and type safety. Generics allow you to write common algorithms, data structures, and methods to adapt to a variety of different data types without having to write specific code for […]

Python dictionary, tuple, list, set collection, sequence

Dictionary Creation of dictionary “”” How to create a dictionary “”” # The first way dict1 = {“zs”: “Zhang San”, “ls”: “Li Si”, “ww”: “Wang Wu”} print(dict1[“zs”]) # Dictionary elements can be added dynamically by assigning values to non-existing ones. dict1[“zl”] = “Zhao Liu” print(dict1) # The second method is created through dict(), and the […]

LuaTable to C# list and dictionary Dictionary

LuaTable to C# list and dictionary Dictionaty introduce Create table test in lua list table in lua Convert table to List Convert table to Dictionary key value pair table Convert table to Dictionary Multi-type key-value pair table Convert table to Dictionary Summarize Introduction In the past, we basically converted from List or Dictionary in C# […]

Python-a complete collection of list, primitive, dictionary, and set operations: recommended collection

In-depth article: 5861 words | 10 minutes to read Data structures are basically just that – they are structures that can handle some data. In other words, they are used to store a set of related data. There are four built-in data structures in Python – lists, tuples and dictionaries, and sets. We’ll learn how […]

Python Dictionary Comprehension: Revealing the Elegant Art of Data Processing

Python Dictionary Comprehension: Revealing the Elegant Art of Data Processing Article directory Python Dictionary Comprehension: Revealing the Elegant Art of Data Processing 1 Introduction 1.1 What is dictionary derivation? 1.2 The difference between dictionary comprehension and list comprehension 2. Basic syntax of dictionary derivation 2.1 Basic structure of dictionary derivation 2.2 Basic usage of dictionary […]

Python dictionary parsing (creating a dictionary using a list of tuples, creating a dictionary using keyword arguments, dict() function, del, clear(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), dictionary derivation)

Article directory Python dictionary parsing Python dictionary creation method basic method Use the built-in dict() function Use a list of tuples Use keyword arguments Dictionary operations Access dictionary elements Modify dictionary Delete dictionary elements, clear dictionary, delete dictionary (del, clear()) The difference between deleting a dictionary and clearing a dictionary Clear the dictionary (clear()) Delete […]

<STL – 3> Dictionary map and multimap

1. Introduction Introduction to map Map is a standard Associative container. A map is a sequence of key-value pairs, that is, (key, value) pairs. It provides fast retrieval capabilities based on key The key value in the map is unique, and the elements in the dictionary are arranged in a certain order Map can directly […]