RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Expected size 58 but got size 57 fo

An error occurred: When using yolo v5n for network training, the input size used is 900*900. When connecting the Feature Map of the 11th layer and the 6th layer at the 12th layer Concat, there is a problem of different dimensions. After running, the following error message appears: RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except […]

Solved: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array wit

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you to Go to New World? Blog Home: Maotouhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and texts Vivid images Simple and easy to learn! Everyone is welcome to step in~ “IDEA Development Cheats Column” Learn the common operations of IDEA and double your work efficiency~ “Master Golang in […]

PHP uses recursion to integrate its two-dimensional array into a hierarchical tree, where the hierarchical id is in a uuid format. The weird problem has been solved.

No more verbosity, just go directly to the source code. <?php function findChildren($list, $p_id){ $r = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $item) { if ($item[‘fid’] == $p_id) { unset($list[$k]); $length = count($r); $r[$length] = $item; if ($t = findChildren($list, $item[‘id’])) { $r[$length][‘children’] = $t; } } } return $r; } function findChildren2($list,$p_id, & amp;$sike=[]) […]

Image compression based on SVD, PCA feature dimensionality reduction

Table of Contents I. Introduction 2. Feature decomposition 3. Image compression based on SVD 4. Feature dimensionality reduction based on SVD 1. Foreword In fact, EVD (eigendecomposition) is a special case of SVD; inverse is a special case of pseudo-inverse, which has applications in least squares. There will be SVD decomposition in the “8-point method” […]

Project (13) – SLAM three-dimensional reconstruction based on laser vision

The blogger has created a scientific research mutual aid group Q: 772356582. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. This is a scientific research mutual aid group, mainly focusing on perception and positioning, decision-making and planning, and paper publishing experience in robots, unmanned driving, and drones, so as to facilitate everyone’s scientific research very quickly […]

Dimension uses AOP to add Name

1.Add files 2.DimName annotation, entity use package annotation; import MateTypeEnum; import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * Dictionary translation annotations * * @author pw */ @Documented @Target(ElementType.FIELD)//Can be used on method names @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)// Valid at runtime public @interface DimName {<!– –> /** * This field represents the encoding of the dictionary type */ //Class clazz() default this.clazz(); Class<? […]

LSTM algorithm based on Pytorch framework (2) – multi-dimensional single-step prediction

1. Project description **Select two features, Close and Low, use the two features of the window time_steps window, and then predict the data of the Close feature data for the next day. When batch_first=True, then LSTM inputs=(batch_size, time_steps, input_size) batch_size = len(data)-time_steps time_steps = sliding window, the median value of this project is lookback input_size […]

Three-dimensional transformation matrix practice – rotation, scaling, mirroring, cross-cutting, translation, and orthogonal projection of three-dimensional point clouds

1. Rotation matrix (right-handed coordinate system) Rotate around the x-axis Rotation matrix: The matrix on the right is the original coordinates of the point cloud, and the matrix on the left is the rotation matrix Visualization: Rotate 90 degrees around the x-axis Code: import vtk import numpy as np import math def pointPolydataCreate(pointCloud): points = […]