Sonatype Nexus deployment docker installation nexus3

Nexus is a powerful Maven warehouse manager that greatly simplifies the maintenance of your own internal warehouse and access to external warehouses. 1. Check available Nexus3 versions You can check other versions of nexus3 through Sort by. The default is the latest version sonatype/nexus3:latest. &name=3.30.1 Because the version used by the company is nexus3:3.30.1, […]

Docker install Redis

Pull the Redis image docker search redis Pull Redis docker pull redis View pull results docker images -a Create REDIS container View redis image details docker inspect redis Find redis version docker inspect redis –format='{<!– –>{json .Config.Env}}’ #View REDIS_VERSION REDIS_VERSION: [“PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin”,”GOSU_VERSION=1.16″,”REDIS_VERSION=7.2 .2″,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL=”,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_SHA=ca999be08800edc6d265379c4c7aafad92f0ee400692e4e2d69829ab4b4c3d08″] Create redis configuration file Official website download configuration file cannot access the […]

DevOps application solution based on Docker containers

Table of Contents Experimental requirements: 1. Preparation work 2.gitlab host operation 3. harbor host operation 4. jenkins host operation Write jenkins pipeline script Experimental requirements: 1. Deploy gitlab and upload the code of the above project to your own gitlab warehouse (the first host) 2. Deploy jenkins based on tomcat (second host) 3. Deploy harbor […]


1. Introduction 1.1 How does Docker solve the compatibility issues of complex dependencies and dependencies of different components in large projects? Docker allows applications, dependencies, function libraries, and configurations to be packaged together during development to form a portable image. Docker applications run in containers and are isolated from each other using a sandbox mechanism. […]

Starting from docker v0.1.0

Starting from docker v0.1.0 Overview of this article This article tells the author’s mental journey in the process of learning docker. I first got to know docker from the overall framework of docker, then started reading the v0.1.0 version of the docker source code, and then followed the tutorial to implement a mini docker using […]

Docker installation of mysql, redis, rabbitmq, es, nacos under Liunx

1. Environment preparation Note: Ignore if related tools have already been installed. 1Install JAVA operating environment Step 1: Upload or download the installation package cd /usr/local jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 2: Unzip the installation package tar -zxvf jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 3: Establish a soft connection ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_152/ /usr/local/jdk Step 4: Modify environment variables vim /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk […]

A redis3 master-3-slave cluster built based on hash slots using docker containers

1. Construction background Cluster mode-docker version, hash slot partition for billion-level data storage 1. 100-200 million pieces of data need to be cached. How to design it? Answer: Using distributed storage, there are generally three solutions in the industry The first type: hash remainder partition (generally used by small factories) Disadvantages: The biggest disadvantage of […]

Use Google Artifact Repository to build a docker image warehouse

Refer to Google official documents First enable GAR api gcloud services enable gcloud services list | grep -i artifact Artifact Registry API Secondly create a docker image warehouse gcloud artifacts repositories create my-docker-repo –repository-format=docker –location=eurepo-west2 –description=”” Use the following command to list existing warehouses > gcloud artifacts repositories list Listing items under […]

Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library

Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library Environment: Operating system: Linux Centos8 docker version: 20.10.23 docker image: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE sonatype/nexus3 latest 589f7296a4a2 22 months ago 655MB Nexus official website: Effect Steps 1. Pull the image Command: docker pull Output: Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from sonatype/nexus3 26f1167feaf7: Pull complete […]

Connect mysql to docker image

Introduction: Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependency packages into a portable image, and then publish it to any popular Linux or Windows operating system machine, and can also implement virtualization . Containers completely use the sandbox mechanism and will not have any interfaces with […]