vue3 drag and drop plug-in Vue3DraggableResizable

Official documentation of the Vue3DraggableResizable drag-and-drop plug-in 1. Properties and events of Vue3DraggableResizable 1. Property configuration of Vue3DraggableResizable Attributes Type Default value Function description Example initW Number null Set initial width (px) initH Number null Set initial height (px) w Number 0 The current width (px) of the component, you can use the “v-model:w” syntax […]

Table tables in Ant Design Vue integrate vue-draggable-resizable to implement scalable columns

The content in the table is too long and is hidden. I want to change the column width by dragging to display the content in the table. The code is implemented as follows: 1. Add dependencies Download plug-in dependencies: npm install –save vue-draggable-resizable Introduce plugin: <script> import Vue from ‘vue’ import VueDraggableResizable from ‘vue-draggable-resizable’ Vue.component(‘vue-draggable-resizable’, […]

vue-drag-resize draggable zoom element component

1. Installation npm i -s vue-drag-resize 2. Use <template> <div class=”screen-content”> <vue-drag-resize w=”200″ :h=”200″ @resizing=”resize” @dragging=”resize” contentClass=”resize-box”> <p>{<!– –>{ top }} х {<!– –>{ left }}</p> <p>{<!– –>{ width }} х {<!– –>{ height }}</p> </vue-drag-resize> </div> </template> <script> import VueDragResize from ‘vue-drag-resize’ export default { name: ‘test’, data() { return { width: 0, height: […]

[vue2 multi-column drag and drop component] vue.draggable nested drag and drop use

Background: Due to the needs of the project, multiple groups of drag and drop assignments are required, and sorting can also be supported Renderings I’ve been too busy recently and don’t have time to describe it, so I’ll upload the complete code directly. The Chinese documentation can be found here? Complete code <template> <div class=”draggable_box”> […]

How Vue3 uses to complete the drag and drop function

Environment: Vue3 + setup syntax Chinese document: group group drag – Official website: GitHub – SortableJS/ Vue 3 compatible drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js 1. Download dependencies yarn add vuedraggable@next npm i -S vuedraggable@next 2. Properties Attribute name Description group If a page has multiple drag areas, dragging between multiple areas can be […]

[MAUI] Implement draggable sorted list in .NET MAUI

Article directory Create a draggable control Create binding service class Drag Drag to hover and pass (DragOver) Drop Create page elements final effect project address .NET MAUI provides a drag-drop gesture recognizer, allowing users to move controls through dragging gestures. In this article, we will learn how to implement a draggable sorted list using a […]

A taste of vue.draggable

Introduction Vue.Draggable is a vue drag-and-drop plugin based on Sortable.js. Supports mobile devices, dragging and selecting text, smart scrolling, can drag and drop between different lists, does not rely on jQuery as the basis, is compatible with vue 2 transition animations, and supports undo operations. In short, it is a very good The vue drag […]

Vue.js-based draggable sortable table component

Vue Table Sortable component This is a draggable sortable table component based on Vue.js. html The component receives two props: dataSource and keyWords, where dataSource is an array, keyWords is a string, and the default value is ‘index’. js The parent component uses Summarize This is a Vue.js-based draggable sortable table component. html <template> <!– […]