SpringBoot integrates Dubbo and Nacos

1. Overview Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight open source distributed service framework, which was early open sourced by Alibaba. It provides distributed service management functions such as service registration, discovery, invocation and load balancing, which provides great convenience for distributed development. The core concepts of dubbo include: Provider (consumer provider), Consumer (service consumer), Registry (registration […]

SpringBoot2.X integration integrates Dubbo

Environment installation Dubbo uses zookeeper as the registration center. You must first install zookeeper. Install zookeeper on Windows as follows: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33316784/article/details/88563482 Install zookeeper on Linux as follows: https://www.cnblogs.com/expiator/p/9853378.html SpringBoot new project If you still don’t know how to create a new SpringBoot project, you can refer to: https://www.cnblogs.com/expiator/p/15844275.html Service providerDubbo-provider Created dubbo-provider module as a […]

The organic combination of spring and Dubbo

1.@DubboService @DubboReference combined with Spring Code entry: @EnableDubbo: Start the automatic configuration of dubbo. Dubbo combined with Spring entrance Focus on: @EnableDubboConfig, @DubboComponentScan @EnableDubboConfig @DubboComponentScan DubboComponentScanRegistrar, the ReferenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor class is initialized in DubboSpringInitializer#initialize (the attribute @DubboReference injection is completed in ReferenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor) ReferenceAnnotationPostProcessor is initialized when initializing the dubbo bean. In DubboComponentScanRegistrar, ServiceAnnotationPostProcessor was generated and […]

When using SpringCloud and Dubbo at the same time in the project, should Eureka be used as the registration center?

Article directory 1. Prerequisite knowledge 1. Using Dubbo with Spring Boot? 1) Configure service provider 2) Configure service consumers 2. Using Eureka with Spring Boot? 1) Eureka server 2) Eureka client 2. Project code analysis 1. Eureka server 1) Startup class 2) Configuration class 2. Dubbo service provider 1) Startup class 2) Configuration class tag […]

SpringBoot integrates Dubbo

1. Build SpringBoot environment 1.1 Create a duubo-spring-boot-demo project duubo-spring-boot-demo: is the parent project to facilitate dependency management duubo-spring-boot-demo-consumer: is the service consumer and inherits the parent project duubo-spring-boot-demo-provider: is the service provider and inherits the parent project dubbo-interface: stores the interface, because dubbo is discovered based on service registration based on the interface, so […]

Apache Dubbo’s first Node.js 3.0-alpha version officially released

Author: Cai Jianyi About Apache Dubbo3 Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use, high-performance WEB and RPC framework that also provides capabilities, tools, and best practices for building enterprise-level microservices such as service discovery, traffic management, observability, and authentication. After several years of development, Dubbo3 has been fully promoted in all business lines of Alibaba Group, successfully […]

SpringBootApache ShenYu quick start (examples use apache dubbo)

Avoid reinventing the wheel, and the official documents are relatively rich, provided in Chinese, and provide direct links to some official websites. Introduction https://shenyu.apache.org/zh Quick start Environment setup Official documentation: https://shenyu.apache.org/zh/docs/index The official provides a variety of methods. In order to be more intuitive, we use the local construction method. Download code: git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-shenyu.git […]

BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Remember the tomcat service startup error caused by an improper dubbo reference

When deploying the service this afternoon, I found that the tomcat service could not be started. Exception: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:Error creating bean with name ‘manageFeeController’: Injection of resource dependencies failed. That is to say, the container failed to create the bean due to resource injection problems. Looking further back, this BeanCreation exception was caused by this error: […]