3.2 Linux Vim editor

vi is a powerful full-screen text editing tool that has always been the default document editor for UNIX-like operating systems. vim is an enhanced version of the vi text editor, which extends many practical functions based on the vi editor. Enter “Vim file name”: if the file exists, Vim will open the file; if the […]

Linux: Use of vim editor

Table of Contents 1. What is vim editor? Basic concepts of vim 2. Basic operations of vim 3. vim normal mode command set 4. Vim end line mode command set 5. Vim configuration 1. What is vim editor? Vim is a widely used text editor on Linux systems. It has powerful functions and a high […]

shell – regular expression, sed streaming editor

Regular Expressions Overview Overview Use a “string of symbols” to describe data with common attributes Basic regular list Extended regular list Prepare materials [root@localhost ~]# head -5 /etc/passwd > user [root@localhost ~]# cat user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin Test ^ $ [root@localhost ~]# grep root user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@localhost ~]# grep ^root user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@localhost […]

Collect the use of different rich text editors (vue3 version)

Article directory 1. ueditor (Baidu Rich Text Editor) Install Use and re-package components 2. KindEditor download file Create new components and use them 1. ueditor (Baidu Rich Text Editor) Reference ueditor and vue-ueditor-wrap The encapsulated vue component is used directly here vue-ueditor-wrap vue3 version Installation npm i [email protected] -S or yarn add [email protected] Use and […]

Linux development tool editor vim

Article directory 1.What is vim? 1.1 Ask Du Niang 1.2 Summarize by yourself 2. Preliminary understanding of vim 2.1 Entry and exit 2.2vim mode 1 Introduction 2.Use 3.vim configuration 3.1 Configure it yourself 3.2 Download plug-in 3.3 Install the files configured by the boss 4. Translation of programs 5. Easy to use instructions 1.What is […]

monaco-editor use

Table of Contents Practice code 1.Core code 2. Complete code Summarize Summary An excerpt from an official sentence The Monaco Editor is the fully featured code editor from VS Code. Check out the VS Code docs to see some of the supported features. Practice Code 1.Core code <template> <div ref=”cusEditor” class=”cusEditor”></div> </template> <script setup lang=”ts”> […]

ueditor rich text copy and paste word content containing pictures, and supports screenshots or copying and pasting pictures separately

Background The company’s recent upgrade project requires rich text to support the copying and pasting of word content containing multiple pictures. There is no other way. For the sake of user experience, we can only find a solution. Through various data searches, we have sorted out an effective solution for personal testing. Plan: 1. Listen […]

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing Preface 1. What is Ace Editor? 2. Usage steps 1.Installation 2. Package components 3. Page introduction 3. Functions such as formatting, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing 1. Organize the format 2.Download 3.Copy 3.Search 4. Replacement Summarize Foreword Since […]

vite+ts uses vue-codemirror to implement sql and js code editor

To achieve the effect, the ui library chooses the latest naive-ui library. You can choose the appropriate library according to your needs 1. Install dependencies npm install vue-codemirror –save At the same time, install a code editor using sql/javascript language and choose according to your needs. npm install @codemirror/lang-sql npm install @codemirror/lang-javascript If you want […]

vue3 uses the rich text editor wangEditor 5 to add a custom drop-down box and dynamically change the content of the drop-down box

Write a custom directory title here official information Show results Preparation Install use demo Custom extension function (drop-down box) First, define the menu class Second, register the menu to wangEditor Third, insert the menu into the toolbar final code selectTest.ts editorDemo.vue Official information wangEditor official website Effect display Preparation Just follow the Vue3 Demo operation […]