Example 6: Auto-Encoder (autoencoder) actual combat

1. Network structure diagram 2. Distribution analysis Import the corresponding modules and complete the data preparation work import os import tensorflow astf import numpy as np from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import Sequential, layers from PIL import Image from matplotlib import pyplot as plt tf.random.set_seed(22) np.random.seed(22) os.environ[‘TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL’] = ‘2’ assert tf.__version__.startswith(‘2.’) h_dim = 20 […]

ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode

Encode yuv data into h264 data, use hardware encoding, and bind the hardware encoding to the codec context. * At the same time, a hardware encoding frame is created. After binding the hardware encoding context, the use is the same as the previous codec The context is the same. ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode – Nuggets /** * […]

Based on the STM32F103 standard library function, write the encoder driver module

Introduction to encoder interface 1. The encoder interface can receive the signal of the incremental (orthogonal) encoder, and automatically controls the CNT to increase or decrease according to the orthogonal signal pulse generated by the encoder rotation, thus indicating the position, rotation direction and rotation speed of the encoder. 2. Each advanced timer and general […]

Semi-supervised anomaly detection using autoencoders

Semi-supervised anomaly detection using autoencoders Preface Prerequisites Related introduction Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders Project structure Training model test model refer to Foreword Due to my limited level, errors and omissions will inevitably occur. Please criticize and correct me. For more exciting content, you can click to enter the YOLO series of columns and natural […]

Netty encoder and decoder

Article directory 1. Decoder principle and practice 1. ByteToMessageDecoder decoder 2. Custom integer decoder 1) Conventional way 2)ReplayingDecoder decoder 3. Packet decoder 3. MessageToMessageDecoder decoder 2. Netty’s built-in Decoder 1. LineBasedFrameDecoder decoder 2. DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder decoder 3. LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder decoder 3. Encoder Principle and Practice 1. MessageToByteEncoder encoder 2. MessageToMessageEncoder encoder 4. Combination of decoder and encoder […]

Solving AttributeError: int object has no attribute encode

Table of Contents Solving AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘encode’ wrong reason solution 1. Check variable type 2. Check code logic 3. Use exception handling Summarize Solve AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘encode’ In Python programming, sometimes we may encounter an error called “AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘encode’”. This error usually […]

Week 16: Transformer architecture encoder code implementation (pytorch)

Week 16: Transformer architecture code implementation (pytorch) Summary Abstrct 1. Code implementation of the core part of Transformer encoder 1.1 Import dependent library files 1.2 Set word list size and maximum sequence length 1.3 Word index forms source sentence and target sentence 1.4 Construct word embedding word list 1.5 Construct position embedding 1.6 Construct the […]