Enum enumeration type in Java is applied in projects

1. What is an enumeration type? 1. The essence of enumeration is the exhaustive method. List all possible situations and then call them in the listed situations. 2. Enumerations are similar to classes. They can also define attributes, constructors, and have getter and setter methods. 3. The values of enumeration type objects can be compared […]

[Data structure] Reflection, enumeration

?Author: Xiao Hu_Bu Muzhu Author’s homepage: Xiao Hu_Bumuzzled’s personal homepage Included column: A brief discussion of data structure Continue to update articles and follow bloggers to avoid detours. Thank you for your support Reflection, enumeration 1. Reflection 1.1 Definition 1.2 Reflection related classes 1.3 Reflection example 1.3.1 Three ways to obtain Class objects 1.3 Reflection […]

BindingFlags in C#: Core enumeration types for reflection

The C# programming language provides a very powerful feature: reflection, which allows us to dynamically obtain and operate type information at runtime. Reflection can be used to implement many advanced functions, such as dynamically loading assemblies, creating object instances, calling methods, accessing fields and properties, etc. To use reflection, we need to use some classes […]

“Understanding custom types: structures, enumerations, unions”

Foreword This article will introduce three custom types in C language: structure, enumeration and union. These data types are very important in C language, they allow programmers to create their own data types to meet specific needs. By understanding these data types, you can better grasp the characteristics and applications of C language. 1. Structure […]

Custom types – structures, enumerations, unions

Table of Contents 1. Structure 1.1 Declaration of structure type 1.2 Self-reference of structure 1.3 Definition and initialization of structure variables 1.4 Structure memory alignment Modify the default alignment number 1.5 Structure parameter passing 2. Structure implements bit segments (filling of bit segments & portability) 2.1 What is a bit segment (segmented by binary bits) […]

[MyBatis Plus] MyBatis Plus extension: Use the code generator to automatically generate code, the use of Db static tool classes, logical deletion, and the use of enumerations and JSON processors

Article directory 1. Automatically generate code 1.1 Install plug-in 1.2 Generate code 2. Db static tool class 2.1 Understanding of Db static tool class 2.2 Use cases of Db static tool class 3. Logical deletion 4. Enumeration processor 4.1 Define enumeration constants 4.2 Configure enumeration processor 4.3 Test field conversion of enumeration processor 5. JSON […]

Strategy + enumeration to eliminate if-else elegantly

Foreword: I believe that when you first came into contact with JAVA object-oriented programming, if you encountered a large number of process judgment statements, almost the whole screen was filled with if-else statements. There were so many that you forgot where the head is and where the tail is. So, how to avoid using if-else […]

01. java object-oriented-enumerations and annotations

java object-oriented-enumerations and annotations 1. Enumeration class introduction 1. Description ? Let us first look at a piece of code to understand why we need an enumeration class public class Enumeration01 {<!– –> public static void main(String[] args) {<!– –> Season season = new Season(“spring”, “warmth”); Season winter = new Season(“winter”, “cold”); Season summer = […]