MySQL replication environment setup

Welcome to follow the public account: Yijie IT The blog posts on this site are published on the public account first. Article directory 1 Environment preparation 2. Mysql8.0 installation 2.2.1 Obtain rpm package 2.2.2 Install and configure MySQL Server 2.2.1 Install database 2.2.2 Initialize database 2.2.3 Remote login 2.2.4 Compatible with old version verification 3 […]

Explore Miniconda3: a simple and flexible Python environment and software package management tool

Miniconda3 installation and configuration notes Foreword Miniconda3 is a lightweight Anaconda distribution that provides a flexible and simplified way to manage Python environments and packages. This article will introduce how to install, configure and manage Miniconda3, as well as use the conda command to manage the environment and software packages. Article directory Miniconda3 installation and […]

Yolo-Fastest with environment + training + testing

Yolo-Fastest configuration environment + training + testing Table of contents 1. Matching environment 2. Training 3. Test 1. Matching environment opencv451 vs2019 cmake3.28.0 2. Training 3. Test Directory 1. Environment configuration 2. Training 3. Test Reference for the entire process: YOLO-Fastest trains its own data set: The whole process of training Yolo-Fastest model on Win10 […]

Jenkins step-by-step build environment (agent)

root@jenkins:~# netstat -antp|grep 50000 tcp6 0 0 :::50000 :: LISTEN 5139/java 1.52 Install Jenkins root@ubuntu20:~# dpkg -i jenkins_2.414.3_all.deb The key to configuring various types of Agents is how to start the Agent ? JNLP Agent corresponds to the method of “starting the agent through Java Web” ? Establish a Web connection based on HTTPS collaboration […]

Linux offline installation of cuda&cudnn and configuration of the machine and its environment packaging and migration

cuda installation cuda version adaptation Check the cuda version number supported by your computer [You can skip this step if you install the cuda toolkit on a supercomputing platform] CUDA toolkit Download official website download cuda toolkit Upload the downloaded .run executable file to the platform for offline installation $ cd /uploaded directory $ chmod […]

Hadoop cluster environment setup

Hadoop environment setup write in front Statement and pitfall summary Software preparation Introduction to Hadoop Officially built Prerequisite environment preparation Install Ubuntu20.04 Server XShell remote connection Install jdk Install hadoop SSH Static IP configuration Cluster construction Cluster creation Modify hostname and IP address SSH configuration Hadoop configuration workers core-site.xml hdfs-site.xml yarn-site.xml mapred-site.xml Scripting xsync […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-023] In-vehicle environment monitoring

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of vehicle interior environment monitoring system based on single-chip microcomputer Project name: In-car environment monitoring Microcontroller type: STM32F103C8T6 Specific functions: 1. Detect temperature and humidity through DHT11 2. Detect harmful gas concentration through MQ-135 3. Use human body pyroelectricity to detect whether there is someone. If there is someone, […]

GCC + Vscode build nRF52xxx development environment

Use GCC + Vscode to build nRF52xxx development environment under Windows… by Jinchen Foreword Recently, I encountered project requirements that required the use of Nordic’s nRF52xxx chip. I still remember the nRF52832 study notes I wrote when I first started writing blog posts. Now I see that there is no logic in the notes at […]