Exclusive and original! The sparrow optimization algorithm that combines northern goshawk and adaptive t distribution has excellent results! Highly recommended product! MATLAB code…

Statement: Resale and reselling of the author’s original code is prohibited, and violators will be prosecuted! The sparrow search algorithm (SSA) was proposed in 2020 and has been widely used in many fields. The design of the Sparrow algorithm is inspired by the biological characteristics of birds. The mathematical model established based on the foraging […]

python—Excel file

1. Reading and writing of Excel files 1. Reading operation steps: (1) Import module xlrd (2) Open the workbook Book (3) Specify the form Sheet in the workbook (4) Read the content according to the row and column serial number Example 1: #Example 1: Read the contents of the Excel file school.xls in Stu_pack and […]

c# Import excel into sqlite

nuget needs to be loaded EPPlus.Core ExcelDataReader ExcelDataReader.DataSet //Extensions that need to be quoted using ExcelDataReader; using ExcelPackage = OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage; public static void CreateZhouPianChaTable() {<!– –> string tbname = “zhou_pian_cha1”; //Determine whether the table exists bool isExist = TableIsExist(tbname); if (!isExist) {<!– –> SQLiteConnection db = ConnectToDatabase(SqLite1); _sql = $”create table {<!– –>tbname} (ID integer […]

Detailed process of pure front-end export to Excel (including export by column + table with style + table merge + table nested table + two sheets in Chinese and English)

1. Foreword The vue project is a pure front-end export to Excel. The data structure array contains arrays to export Excel according to the required columns. Using the xlsx-populate plug-in, the exported Excel file: with borders, first column merging, nested tables, and Chinese generation respectively. and english two worksheets. The effect of exporting the table […]

The front-end Vue combines with the xlxs library to parse excel files and dynamically assemble table headers!

Directory 1 Introduction 2.Data definition 3. Page layout 4. Upload previous events 5. Parse the excel file and assemble the corresponding relationship between the system header and the excel header 6. Drop-down box change event 1. Preface Recently, there is a demand that users can import a custom excel file at will, so that users […]

Python+requests+pytest+excel+allure interface automated testing practice

definition: Unittest is the unit testing framework that comes with the Python standard library. Unittest is sometimes also called PyUnit. Just like JUnit is the standard unit testing framework for the Java language, Unittest is the standard unit testing framework for the Python language. Pytest is another third-party unit testing library for Python. It is […]

Java tool class for reading and writing excel supports multiple Sheets

1. What is POI POI’s full name is PoorObfuscation Implementation. It is an open source project of Apache components that can read and write a series of Microsoft Office office software. The POI version corresponding to the examples in this article is 3.9. 2. Generate Excel tool class package org.zhao.component; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils; import […]

Android uses poi to generate Excel and word and save them in the specified path

As soon as you add dependencies (be sure to use new versions of dependencies to prevent some bugs) minSdk= 26 //Note that the minimum supported SDK26 dependencies {<!– –> implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi:5.2.4’ implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:5.2.4’ implementation ‘javax.xml.stream:stax-api:1.0-2’ } Second, creation method private void createExcelFile(String Path) {<!– –> //Create workbook Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); //Create worksheet Sheet […]