GDB debugging call executable

GDB debugging call executable file Article directory GDB debugging call executable Check whether coredump function is enabled Find core_pattern first coredump is automatically processed by the apport.service service program in the ubuntu system Analysis of common causes of coredump Use GDB and several commonly used GDB commands The reason is that when running an executable […]

Python script (.py) converted to executable file (exe)

Use PyInstaller to convert Python scripts into executable files (exe) When developing and distributing Python applications, packaging scripts into executable files is a common need. PyInstaller is a popular tool that converts Python scripts into standalone, executable binaries, allowing applications to run in environments without a Python interpreter. This article will detail how to use […]

Solve graphviz\”, line 162, in pipe raise ExecutableNotFound(args) graphviz.backend.Executab

Table of Contents Resolving Graphviz ExecutableNotFound error What is Graphviz Error analysis Solution Method 1: Set environment variables Method 2: Manually set the Graphviz executable file path Summarize Resolving Graphviz ExecutableNotFound error When using Graphviz for graph visualization, you sometimes encounter the ??graphviz.backend.ExecutableNotFound?? error. This error is usually caused by not being able to find […]

Python code is packaged into an executable file (exe)

Article directory ▍Overview ▍Method 1: Direct packaging from the command line ▍Method 2: Use spec packaging ▍Recommended learning resources 1.Python learning route 2.Basic learning of Python 01. Development tools 02.Study notes 03.Learning videos 3. A must-have manual for Python beginners 4. A complete set of resources for data analysis 5.Python interview highlights 01.Interview materials 02.Resume […]

25|What’s in the executable binary file?

From this lecture, we entered into the study of “Principles of C Program Operation”. Compared with the previous content, in this module, you will move from “front stage” to “behind the scenes”: from the program logic intuitively represented by C code to the specific interaction between the program and the operating system during the running […]

Link executable to DLL

Link executable to DLL Executables link to (or load) DLLs in one of two ways: Implicit linking , in which the operating system loads the DLL at the same time as the executable file that uses it. The client executable calls the DLL’s exported functions in the same way as if the functions were statically […]

Spring Boot Maven Plugin — repackage target; executable configuration of spring-boot-maven-plugin

Spring Boot Maven Plugin – repackage target The Spring Boot Maven Plugin plug-in provides spring boot support in maven. Allows you to package a runnable jar or war package. The plugin provides several maven goals to work with Spring Boot applications. In total there are: spring-boot:repackage spring-boot:run spring-boot:start and spring-boot:stop spring-boot:build-info repackage: Create an automatically […]

Linux remotely loads and executes ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) files in memory without touching disk

Using C language to complete the above tasks in a Linux environment requires the following steps: Read ELF data from socket Map ELF data into memory Use memfd_create() to create a file descriptor and write ELF data to the created file descriptor Use execve() to execute ELF data from /proc/self/fd/ Here is a simple example […]

[Shell command collection linker tool] Linux ld command links target files and libraries into executable files or library files

Directory title Description Grammar format Parameter Description Error conditions Notes Underlying implementation Example Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Use c language to simulate ld ideas Conclusion Shell command column: full analysis of Linux Shell commands Description ld is a linker tool in the Linux environment. Its […]