[Unity Practical Combat] Implementing a powerful, universal and easy-to-expand dialogue system (with project source code) (supplementary update on 2023/12/26)

Article directory Let’s take a look at the final effect first Preface material initial preparation work 1. Simple drawing of terrain 2. Draw dialog box 3. Configure character animation 4. Achieve simple control of character movement Control the display and hiding of dialog boxes Define conversation content Implement simple conversation function Verbatim printing effect Quickly […]

Android expands the clickable area range of View

Sometimes we encounter this requirement: the control itself is displayed in a small range, but the clickable area is required to be expanded. According to the official document https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/touch-and-input/gestures/viewgroup?hl=zh-cn#delegate, we can know that through the TouchDelegate class, the parent view can transfer the child view to The touchable area extends beyond the bounds of the […]

ExpandableListView + custom ExpandableListAdapter to implement complex lists

ExpandableListView is a subclass of ListView. It extends ListView and implements item grouping of list items. Its list items are provided by ExpandableListAdapter. ExpandableListAdapter is an interface, and the implementation of this interface is an abstract class BaseExpandableListAdapter. 1. Goal Realize a list of complex functions on mainstream APPs through ExpandableListView and customized ExpandableListAdapter. 2. […]

Maven’s father-son project & version control & case practice, and expand the meaning of groupId and artifactId

Article directory **“ tag** **“ tag** **“ & amp; “ difference** **“ tag** **“ tag** **Version Control Priority** Practical case: Notice: expand: tag Used for father-son engineering projects. What is father-son engineering? As the name suggests, a maven parent-child project is a maven project with a parent project and many sub-projects under the parent project. […]

Layui sidebar shrinks and expands, and clicks on the sidebar menu to switch iframe in the main content area

Without further ado, let’s go straight to the code (the code is a bit long), and the renderings are attached at the back. Pay attention to the annotations in the code. I hope it can help friends in need! ! ! ! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <title>layout Large layout example of management interface […]

(Second release) Flink modifies source code to expand SQL syntax

1. Syntax analysis in Flink extension calcite 1) Define the required SqlNode node class – take SqlShowCatalogs as an example a) Class location flink/flink-table/flink-sql-parser/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/sql/parser/dql/SqlShowCatalogs.java Core methods: @Override public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { writer.keyword(“SHOW CATALOGS”); } b) Kind of blood relationship 2) Modify the .ftl file in the includes directory and add […]