2. The fabric based on pytorch lightning implements pytorch’s multi-GPU training and mixed precision functions

Article directory Undertake In the previous article, we used original pytorch to implement multi-GPU training and mixed precision. Now comparing the above code, we use Fabric to achieve the same function. Regarding Fabric, I will continue to explain it in subsequent blogs. It is explaining and learning. Through fabric, you can reduce the amount of […]

vue + fabricjs implement scratch game

Cai Li Creative Issue 1 | Scratch Lottery·Ten Times Good Luck Everyone has played scratch-off games, and Cai Li is also deeply affected by it, but she just can’t help it; especially Ten times better luck, which always makes people feel happy It feels like there is a high chance of winning; today Cai Li […]

Vue3 + Fabricjs customized National Day exclusive avatar

Vue3 + Fabricjs implement customized avatar 2.0 1. Online customization 2. Project structure 3. Required materials 3.1 Mid-Autumn Festival theme 3.2 National Day theme 3.3 Spring Festival theme 4. Canvas interaction logic optimization 5. Code implementation 5.1 Initialize canvas and controls 5.2 Monitor changes in the original image (avatar uploaded by the user) and perform […]

Vue3 + Fabricjs implement customized avatar 2.0

Vue3 + Fabricjs implement customized avatar 2.0 Born under the national flag and grown in the spring breeze! The National Day is approaching, Caili brings you Customized Avatar 2.0 (National Day Avatar), let us celebrate the motherland’s birthday in the form of code! Welcome everyone to like, collect and follow Foreword If you want to […]

NVMe Linux driver series one: host side [fabrics.c]<66>

define static LIST_HEAD(nvmf_transports); static DECLARE_RWSEM(nvmf_transports_rwsem); static LIST_HEAD(nvmf_hosts); static DEFINE_MUTEX(nvmf_hosts_mutex); static struct nvmf_host *nvmf_default_host; This code defines some global data structures and variables for managing information related to the NVMe over Fabrics (NVMF) transport layer. Here’s what each variable does: nvmf_transports: This is a linked list header used to store registered NVMF transport layer information. Each […]

NVMe Linux driver series one: host side [fabrics.c]<69>

nvmf_check_allowed_opts static int nvmf_check_allowed_opts(struct nvmf_ctrl_options *opts, unsigned int allowed_opts) {<!– –> if (opts->mask & amp; ~allowed_opts) {<!– –> unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opt_tokens); i + + ) {<!– –> if ((opt_tokens[i].token & amp; opts->mask) & amp; & amp; (opt_tokens[i].token & amp; ~allowed_opts)) {<!– –> pr_warn(“invalid parameter ‘%s’\ “, opt_tokens[i].pattern); } […]

NVMe Linux driver series 1: host side [fabrics.c]<68>

nvmf_parse_options static int nvmf_parse_options(struct nvmf_ctrl_options *opts, const char *buf) {<!– –> substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS]; char *options, *o, *p; int token, ret = 0; size_t nqnlen = 0; int ctrl_loss_tmo = NVMF_DEF_CTRL_LOSS_TMO; uuid_t hostid; char hostnqn[NVMF_NQN_SIZE]; /* Set defaults */ opts->queue_size = NVMF_DEF_QUEUE_SIZE; opts->nr_io_queues = num_online_cpus(); opts->reconnect_delay = NVMF_DEF_RECONNECT_DELAY; opts->kato = 0; opts->duplicate_connect = false; opts->fast_io_fail_tmo = […]

NVMe Linux driver series 1: host side [fabrics.c]<67>

nvmf_connect_data_prep static struct nvmf_connect_data *nvmf_connect_data_prep(struct nvme_ctrl *ctrl, u16 cntlid) {<!– –> struct nvmf_connect_data *data; data = kzalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL); if (!data) return NULL; uuid_copy( &data->hostid, &ctrl->opts->host->id); data->cntlid = cpu_to_le16(cntlid); strncpy(data->subsysnqn, ctrl->opts->subsysnqn, NVMF_NQN_SIZE); strncpy(data->hostnqn, ctrl->opts->host->nqn, NVMF_NQN_SIZE); return data; } This code defines a function called nvmf_connect_data_prep to prepare the connection data structure struct nvmf_connect_data. This function allocates […]

MinecraftFabric Mod Development Complete Process 4 – Customized Item Blocks, Food, and Fuel

Table of Contents Custom Items and Blocks Auto Detect Ore Deposit Tool tool function accomplish Results of the custom music box custom food custom fuel Custom items and blocks Automatically detect mineral deposits tool Detector texture download address: https://url.kaupenjoe.net/mbkj57/assets As we all know, serious people never like conventional mining methods. It would be great if […]

The use and development of Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is a cross-industry blockchain technology initiated by the Linux Foundation. It is currently used in many large companies. I won’t introduce HF itself here. If you are interested, you can pay attention to its official website. 1. Preparations: Before starting, certain preparations are required, including installing various middleware: If the following problems occur […]