[Produced by Xinghai] flask (4) three-party tool use

The soul of learning is the commune, and the goal of learning is people’s self-government. Learning is the non-violent revolutionary method of social reform. Learning is the civilized way for people to fight against the expropriation of capital. Learning failed, just like the Paris Commune failed. But it pointed out the right direction for successful […]

[Practical Flask API Project Guide] Part 4 Request and Response Processing

Practical Flask API Project Guide – Request and Response Processing This series of articles will take you to explore in depth Practical Flask API Project Guide. By following Xiaocai’s learning journey, you will gradually master the application of Flask in actual projects. Let’s embark on this exciting learning journey together! Foreword When Xiaocai steps into […]

[Practical Flask API Project Guide] Part 6 Database Integration SQLAlchemy

Practical Flask API Project Guide – Database Integration This series of articles will take you to explore in depth Practical Flask API Project Guide. By following Xiaocai’s learning journey, you will gradually master the application of Flask in actual projects. Let’s embark on this exciting learning journey together! Foreword In the previous article, we implemented […]

NBA player recommendation system based on Flask

Function screenshot register Log in Home page Search players Compare players Player data Part of the code forms.py from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, BooleanField, SubmitField, SelectMultipleField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, Email, EqualTo class LoginForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField(‘Username’, validators=[DataRequired(), Length(8, 16)]) password = PasswordField(‘Password’, validators=[DataRequired(), Length(8, 16)]) submit = SubmitField(‘Log in’) […]

Deploy YoloV3-PyTorch using Flask

Use Flask to deploy YoloV3-PyTorch 1. Project Introduction This project is a small demo of web object detection, using Yolov3 (PyTorch) and Flask to perform object detection on the Web, involving target detection, Flask and Html Yolov3 comes from Ultralytics, you can use their project to train a model that suits you 2. Overall project […]

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment (YoloV5+Flask)

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment Article directory Open flame smoke target detection project deployment 1. Pull the Docker PyToch image 2. Configure the system environment 2.1 Change software source 2.2 Download vim 2.3 Solve the problem of Chinese garbled characters in vim 3. Run the project 3.1 Copy the project to the container […]

[Target Detection] Flask+Docker deploys YOLOv5 applications on the server

Foreword I have seen many articles explaining the use of Flask to deploy YOLOv5, but they basically stopped running locally. Therefore, I plan to go one step further and use Docker to deploy YOLOv5 on the cloud server, so that it can be opened to others for use. Code repository: https://github.com/zstar1003/yolov5-flask Local deployment The local […]

Deploy yolov5 web service based on flask (1)

Deploy yolov5 web service based on flask (1) This article is based on the official website of yolov5 and deploys the model inference in the form of webserve through the flask framework. The client uploads the image to be detected, and the server returns the processed results (the results can be string information directly output […]

Use yolov5 to train your own data set and deploy yolov5 through flask

Use yolov5 to train your own data set (detailed process) and deploy yolov5 through flask Github project address (click a little love) My project address 1. Prepare data set PASCAL VOC This article uses PASCAL VOC extraction code: 07wp Take the data set as an example. Place the data set in the project dataset directory. […]

Flask website decoration, easy template replacement

Flask website decoration, easy template replacement For this blog post, find a good-looking web page template, and simply change it into a flask template and display it. Main blog directory: “Notes on learning to build a quantitative platform from scratch” Article directory Flask website decoration, easy template replacement Download template Python automatically generates directories Modify […]