Falling in love with C language: storage of integers and floating point types in memory (base conversion, original code, complement, complement and big and small endian)

Author: Ah Hui is extraordinary What do you think: Life is dull, but running is windy Column: Falling in love with C language Drawing tool: draw.io(Free and open source drawing website) If you think the article is helpful to you, please like, follow, and collect to support the blogger. If there are any deficiencies, please […]

XML is associated with CSS, CSS attributes, floating positioning, and attribute selectors.

XML associated CSS 1) Call independent style files An independent css style file is a text file with the extension “.css”. XML must use preprocessing directives in order to use cascading style sheets. 2) Embed style statements into XML files Another way is to use the “style” attribute within the tag to define the style. […]

MineCraft 1.20.1 Module Development-(1)-Add the right-click to launch the withered skull and the additional floating effect of the attack to the Sapphire Sword

MineCraft 1.20.1 Module Development-(1)-Add right-click to launch withered skulls and attack additional floating effects for the Sapphire Sword The following are all developed by Forge, written in JAVA, the IDE is IDEA, and the version is 1.20.1 function: 1. Realize that the sapphire sword (custom weapon) can be right-clicked to release the withered skull, which […]

[Integer data and floating point data] How are they stored in memory? Understanding of original code, inverse code and complement code

Article directory Preface 1. Introduction to data types 2. Storage of integers in memory 2.1 Original code, complement code, complement code 2.2 Little-endian storage and big-endian storage 2.3 Signed data and unsigned data 2.4 Exercise: Determine whether the storage mode of the current machine is big endian or little endian? 3. Reading of integer data […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_floating_point, is_array, is_enum)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

How to create a floating action button in SwiftUI

Article directory Preface Create a floating action button The floating button appears at the front of the screen The floating button is located in the lower right corner of the screen Make the floating button appear circular add shadow Summarize Foreword Floating Action Button (FAB) is a UI element used in Android and Material Design. […]

android–custom control (edit box), floating window

1. Custom edit box Rendering: The main codes are: class EditLayout @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : ConstraintLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { private var editTitle: String private var editContent: String private var editType: Int private var isMust: Boolean private var tvLabelEdit: TextView private var ivMustEdit: ImageView private var […]

C language | How floating point numbers are stored in memory

Floating point numbers are actually stored in binary form in memory, but they are not stored in the form of original code, complemented code, or complemented code. Common floating point numbers: 3.14159 1E10【Scientific notation 1.0*10^10】 eg: 1.23=12.3*10^-1=0.123*10^1 The floating point number family includes: float, double, long double types Floating point number representation range: defined in […]

CSS (how CSS is introduced, CSS selectors, text styles, backgrounds, borders, pseudo-class pseudo-elements, CSS box model, margin folding issues, advanced selectors, floating, flex layout)

CSS css3, cascading style sheets, styling and layout Three ways to introduce ?Inline style (inline style): Use the style attribute of the HTML tag to define the CSS style Internal style: use? External styles (connected): use tags to trigger external CSS style sheet components Inline styles <p style=”color: aqua;font-size: 40px;”>This is a paragraph tag</p> Attributes: […]