Flutter practice two: repository mode

1.repository Almost all apps, from the simplest to the most complex, include state management and data sources in their architecture. Common state management methods include Bloc, Cubit, Provider, ViewModel, etc. Data sources are classes that directly interact with databases or network clients to obtain corresponding data and parse them into models. Typically, the state manager […]

Flutter switches cities

Without further ado, let’s look at the pictures Click on the province to switch to the corresponding province, click on the city, select the city, and multiple selections can be made at the county level. Not much to say, let’s look at the code import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; class AreaModel { final String id; final String name; […]

Flutter displays the guide page of the bottom control

Requirements: Two different entrances to the same page, the position of the same control changes, and the position of the guidance content corresponding to this control also needs to be changed when the guidance page is displayed; at the same time, the translucent bottom displays the real page content. If you need to cut the […]

Integrate UniLinks with Flutter (Android AppLinks + iOS UniversalLinks)

Let’s integrate UniLinks using Flutter Mobile and Flutter Web. Step by step guide! I’m Pedro Dionísio, a Flutter developer at InspireIT in Portugal, and I wrote this UniLinks tutorial with the motto: Firebase DynamicLinks is deprecated and like Firebase says in its documentation it should no longer be implemented (I was using it and since […]

Flutter self-signed certificate

Preface The server in the Flutter project uses a self-signed certificate. If you directly use https request or wss request, a certificate signing error will be reported. HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error: I/flutter (28959): │ CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(handshake.cc:359)) or CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: self signed certificate in certificate chain(handshake.cc:354)) Trust self-signed certificates […]

Various refresh widgets in Flutter

1.FutureBuilder Very useful widget for handling asynchronous operations and building interfaces. It is typically used with Future objects to build the interface after an asynchronous operation has completed. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {<!– –> @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {<!– –> return MaterialApp( home: MyHomePage(), ); } } class MyHomePage […]

Flutter tips and different ideas to achieve cool 3D page turning and folding animation

Today we will talk about an interesting Flutter animation implementation. If you need to implement a 3D folding animation effect as shown below, what method would you choose? I believe that many people’s first thought may be: implement it in Dart through matrix transformation and Canvas. Because this effect is actually considered “common”, in the […]

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function During development, you need to select a picture in the album to crop out a small piece of the picture as the target picture. For example, when uploading an avatar, after the user selects the avatar, the required picture is cut out and uploaded according […]