How to use vue-cli scaffolding to quickly deploy engineering projects

How to use vue-cli scaffolding to quickly deploy engineering projects Reason why engineering is needed: Modular development: Engineering allows developers to divide the entire project into small modules, each focusing on specific functions. This modular development makes code easier to organize, maintain, and reuse. Automated construction: Engineering tools can automatically perform tasks such as code […]

Vue CLI scaffolding installation, construction, configuration and CLI project analysis

Table of Contents 1. Quick Start with CLI 1. Official introduction: 2. Install Vue CLI: 3. Build Vue CLI: 4.IDEA configures Vue CLI: 2. Vue CLI project analysis 1. Structural analysis: 1.1 config 1.2 node_modules 1.3 src 1.4 static 2. Process analysis: 2.1 main.js 2.2 router/index.js 2.3 components/HelloWorld.vue 2.4 App.vue 2.5 index.html 1. Quick Start […]

UT code is compiled into the build folder (RoboCup3D)

University of Texas at Austin Code: Code FileAccording to many methods on the Internet, it is directly**cmake .****make**The following content will appear:However, this is a bit messy. All the compiled Makefiles and other data files will be stored under utaustinvilla3d-master, which is quite messy. According to our compilation habits, I created a separate buid folder, […]

4. vue components, animation, scaffolding

Components, animations, scaffolding 1. ==Priority of v-if and v-for== 2. Animation 2.1 Introduction to animation 2. 2 Internal animation 2.3 Third-party libraries 3. Components 3.1 Register component 3.1.1 Partial registration 3.1.2 Global components 3.1.2 Naming rules for components 3.2 template 3. 3 data 3. 4 Components are reusable vue instances 3.5 Component nesting 4. Scaffolding […]

Flutter tips and different ideas to achieve cool 3D page turning and folding animation

Today we will talk about an interesting Flutter animation implementation. If you need to implement a 3D folding animation effect as shown below, what method would you choose? I believe that many people’s first thought may be: implement it in Dart through matrix transformation and Canvas. Because this effect is actually considered “common”, in the […]

PSP – Protein Complex AlphaFold2 Multimer MSA Pairing Logic and Optimization

Welcome to follow my CSDN: URL of this article: In protein complex structure prediction, when the sequence is a heterologous multi-chain, whether it is AB or AABB, MSA pairing is required, that is, MSA Pairing. During the search process of MSA, the search is performed according to the single chain dimension, merged through […]

Use the el-collapse folding panel in elementui to implement the drop-down menu

<template> <div class=”left-factor-library-name”> <div class=”left-tree”> <div class=”tree-top”>Table name</div> <div class=”sub-input”> <el-input clearable placeholder=”search” @input=”factorNameSearch()” v-model=”factorName” size=”small” clear=”el-inp” /> </div> <div class=”tree-content” v-if=”dataTree & amp; & amp;dataTree.length>0″> <!– <el-collapse v-model=”activeName” accordion v-for=”(item,index) in dataTree” :key=”index”> <el-tooltip class=”item” effect=”dark” :content=”” placement=”right”> <div @click=”menuClick(item)” :class=”[activeIndex === ? ‘bottom-tabs-active’ : ”,’collapse-items’]” style=”line-height:30px;”> {<!– –>{ }} </div> </el-tooltip> […]

Research on support vector machine SVM regression prediction based on five-fold cross validation with Matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]