Fabric.js uses custom fonts

Introduction to this article Like + Follow + Collection = Learned If you use Fabric.js for editing products, you may need to configure fonts for users. This time I will talk about how to use custom fonts when creating text in Fabric.js, how to modify fonts when the project is running, and recommendations A tool […]

vue rich text editor quill (including code highlighting, custom fonts, Chineseization, mouse hover prompts, component packaging, etc.)

Basic use Install dependencies npm i quill .vue file <div ref=”editor” :style=”finalStyle”></div> “quill”; import “quill/dist/quill.snow.css”; = { theme: “snow”, placeholder: “Please enter here”, modules: { toolbar: { container: [ // [{ ‘header’: 1 }, { ‘header’: 2 }], // Header – independent tiles [{header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false]}], // Title – drop-down […]

QtCreator configures code fonts and colors

File path Default color scheme This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <style-scheme version=”1.0″ name=”Default”> <style name=”Text” foreground=”#000000″ background=”#ffffff”/> <style name=”Link” foreground=”#0000ff”/> <style name=”Selection” foreground=”#ffffff” background=”#0078d7″/> <style name=”LineNumber” foreground=”#a0a0a0″ background=”#f0f0f0″/> <style name=”SearchResult” background=”#ffef0b”/> <style name=”SearchResultAlt1″ foreground=”#000033″ background=”#b6ccff”/> <style name=”SearchResultAlt2″ foreground=”#330000″ background=”#ffb6cc”/> <style […]

Use private fonts in PdfSharp

Use private fonts in PdfSharp An example of using private fonts on a web server is provided in PdfSharp 1.5, see: http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/(X(1)S(mg0wojiafv2wdqhklvachrti))/FontResolver-sample.ashx. Note: FontResolver is a global object that applies to all consumers of the PdfSharp library. Also used by the MigraDoc library to create PDF documents. 1. Private Font JetBrain is a set of […]

Practical exercise on how to use Easyexcel to merge cells, set fonts and border styles, and add notes to the last row

1. Foreword The project also required exporting complex style tables and exporting different data according to different divisions. I also thought about and learned easyexcel and poi, and the results are as follows: 1. Merge multi-level headers 2. Header shading + table border 3. Merge cells with the same data 4. Add remarks to the […]

Web safe fonts and web fonts (Web Fonts)

What is a web safe font Web-safe fonts are fonts that are pre-installed by many operating systems. While not all systems have the same fonts installed, you can use a web-safe font stack to select several fonts that look similar and install them on the various systems you want to support. If you want to […]

iOS development – download CGFontRef using network special fonts

iOS Development – Download CoreText Using Network Special Fonts During the development, when the font needs to be downloaded and then displayed, this special font can only be normal after downloading. 1. Font Downloader Add in AFNetworking pod ‘Reachability’ The font downloader uses AFNetworking to download font files code show as below #import “SDFontDownloaderClient.h” #import […]

How to customize fonts in Mkdocs (Xia Wu Wen Kai)

The font currently used by the website: Xiadong Wenkai Presumably you can intuitively feel the beauty of this font from my website. The following is an excerpt from the official introduction document of some fonts Notes Please submit feedback in Issue #33 for text additions, and Issue #14 for font adjustments. Do not open a […]