Qt + OpenCV + Halcon + QScintilla implement Halcon’s script engine function (source code)

Foreword In the industrial field, the application of functions such as defect detection and target counting is basically a matter of trial and error. There is no specific standard. Standard modules for the functions can be realized by standardizing the input and output interfaces and replacing the process with a script engine. 1. Qt + […]

Exploring Vue data binding: why data must be a function instead of an object?

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. The difference between instance and component definition data 2. The difference between component data definition functions and objects 3. Principle analysis 4. Conclusion […]

Why use virtual environment in python? (Virtual environment function and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration. Official venv usage (**)

Detailed graphic and text explanation of python’s virtual environment (virtual environment functions and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45440484/article/details/130144943 http://www.360doc.com/content/23/0828/21/1339386_1094251670.shtml Why use a virtual environment? First, a virtual environment helps keep your projects clean and separate. You don’t have to worry about one project’s dependencies breaking another, which makes project […]

Vue uses websocket to implement real-time data push and publish, subscribe and reconnect single sign-on functions.

Requirements: Use websocket to implement publishing, subscribing, network disconnection and reconnection, and account squeezing after single sign-in without using plug-ins. 1. Single sign-on (only one of the same account is online at the same time, multiple user logins are prohibited) Implementation: After the user logs in, the token token is obtained and stored locally. It […]

Mobile Development Technology Assignment 2: Implementation of Recycleview click-to-jump function

1. Function description Implement the functional design of page jump and return to the module that has added recyclevie 2. Development Technology Development tools: Android studio Version: API 32 Android 12 3. Development ideas and core code In the last article, I placed recycleview1 in fragment2 (information interface). Due to design needs, I now put […]

Android mobile development assignment–implementation of click-to-jump function of Recycleview

Table of Contents 1. Design goals 1.1 Design requirements 1.2 Introduction to design functions 2. Detailed design explanation 2.1 Define the contactMS class 2.2 Define layout files 2.3 Modify Myadapter adapter 2.4 Define ContactDetailsActivity.java 3. Run interface display 4. Source code warehouse address 1. Design Goals 1.1 Design Requirements Relying on assignment 1, add a […]

5. Function (2)–Function recursion

5. Function (2) – function recursion Original address: https://beryl-licorice-3a8.notion.site/2-024e7053e9e040feae48e95fb13b7164?pvs=4 1. What is recursion? In short, function recursion means that the function calls itself. Function recursion is just a way to solve the problem. #include <stdio.h> int main(){<!– –> printf(“hehe”\ ); main();//The main function is called again in the main function return 0; }//This is a […]

[C++ Breaking] Generic Programming | Function Templates | Class Templates

?Author homepage lovewold less r blog homepage Key points of this article: Explanation of basic knowledge points of c + + templates [C-C++ Getting Started Series Column]: Blog article column portal Word of the Day: Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young Directory Preface Generic programming function template Function template concept Function template […]

vue h function and jsx configuration

The “render” function is the core building part of the Vue component. It accepts a parameter named createElement, which is used to programmatically create the component’s virtual DOM tree and describe the component’s view structure. The “h()” function is an important tool for the “render” function. It is used to create virtual DOM nodes and […]