libusb gets the Windows device instance path DevicePath

The interface provided by the libusb.h header file in the current version of libusb (1.0.26) seems to have no way to obtain the device instance path related to the Windows platform. It looks like: \?\usb#vid_04ca & amp;pid_7070#5 & amp;20d34a76 & amp;0 & amp;6#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} Only interfaces such as libusb_get_port_numbers are provided to obtain the topology. We […]

3. Use third-party service targets to collect passive information to prevent discovery

3. Use third-party service targets to collect passive information to prevent discovery 3.1 Passive information collection 3.1.1 Overview and purpose of passive information collection · Information collection methods can be divided into two types: passive and active ? Passive information collection method refers to using third-party services to access and understand the target. (Such as […]

The web3 React dapp project gets canceled and completed and all order data from the blockchain through events and stores them in redux.

Okay, above, web3 uses antd to build the basic structure of the order component in the React dapp. We have demonstrated a basic order component. Then let’s continue and start with the environment. ganache terminal run ganache -d MetaMask Log in Then open the project and publish the contract truffle migrate –reset Then run the […]

How to obtain the detection index APs of small targets? ——Dataset Yolo format generates json file

It’s such a simple thing, but I worked on it for several days for no reason. I was very depressed, so I just started without saying much. First, you must have a data set in YoLo format. Starting from the simplest, you need image data and corresponding txt tag data of the yolo type. (The […]

Android gets the package name of the software and the main class name of the startup

You can use aapt, which does not require downloading. It is a small tool that comes with the SDK. Its path is /Android/Sdk/build-tools/29.0.2 The 29.0.2 in this is your version, other versions can also be used. Go to this directory and use this command. My current operating system is liunx. Both liunx and win commands […]

Various refresh widgets in Flutter

1.FutureBuilder Very useful widget for handling asynchronous operations and building interfaces. It is typically used with Future objects to build the interface after an asynchronous operation has completed. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {<!– –> @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {<!– –> return MaterialApp( home: MyHomePage(), ); } } class MyHomePage […]

pthread_attr_getstacksize problem

Recently, the company encountered a thread stack size problem, and I took this opportunity to learn about the functions related to the thread stack size. If the company still uses older code, it uses the pthread library to support threads instead of the thread class in C++11. There are mainly two related functions: pthread_attr_setstacksize() and […]

Track targets using opencv’s tracking module

OpenCV tracking module algorithm introduction OpenCV’s tracking module is a powerful tracking algorithm library that contains a variety of algorithms for tracking objects. It helps you locate an object such as a face, eye, vehicle, etc. in consecutive video frames. In the OpenCV tracking module, some of the main tracking algorithms include: Sparse optical flow: […]

java gets the city based on IP GeoLite2-City.mmdb

This article can solve the problem of not being able to obtain the IP location. It provides a variety of methods for reference only: 1. Selection 1.1 Implementation method Java can implement IP address resolution and province and city information query, but it requires the help of some external data sources or databases to achieve […]