Build an industry knowledge base based on LangChain+ChatGLM2-6B+embedding

Purpose: Recently, I have been exploring large model localization deployment + knowledge base to implement industry solutions, record the installation process, and share it with students who need it. It is very important to determine the version of each component before installation to avoid repeated installations. After reviewing a large amount of information, it can […]

How to use Trend Cloud GPU to run AI project online – deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model

Learning tutorial 1. Get free computing power Datawhale exclusive registration: Trend Cloud 2. Deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model 1. Create project After creating an account, enter your own space and click Create Project in the upper right corner. Give the project a name you like and choose local code Mirror selection pytorch2.0.1, python3.9 Select the […]

Orange Pi 5 deploys chatglm2-6b model

Orange Pi 5 deploys chatglm2-6b model Environmental information: Deployment server: orangepi 5 16G version System version: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Reference documentation: Use GPU acceleration to run LLMs on Orange Pi: Far ahead! I will take you step by step to deploy the Tsinghua AI language model using the domestic Orange Pi, comparable to GPT. […]

ChatGLM2 source code analysis: `ChatGLMTokenizer`

import os import torch from typing import List, Optional, Union, Dict from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer from transformers.utils import logging, PaddingStrategy from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import EncodedInput, BatchEncoding # The underlying tokenizer, which is the packaging of the SP model class SPTokenizer: def __init__(self, model_path: str): # reload tokenizer assert os.path.isfile(model_path), model_path #Load the […]

Langchain-Chatchat project: 5.1-ChatGLM3-6B tool call

Evaluations on data sets from different perspectives such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge show that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among basic models below 10B. ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed Prompt format, in addition to normal multi-round conversations. At the same time, it natively supports complex scenarios such as tool calling (Function Call), […]

Task 1 Deploy the ChatGLM3-6B large model and conduct dialogue testing

Deploy the ChatGLM3-6B large model and conduct conversation testing 0 Introduction: 1 Tendong cloud project creation and environment configuration 1.1 Create project: 1.2 Configuration environment 1.2.1 Enter the terminal 1.2.2 Set mirror source 1.2.3 Clone the project and install dependencies 2 Modify the code, change the path and start the code 3 Run the code […]

GPT practical series-ChatGLM3 local deployment CUDA11+1080Ti+ graphics card 24G practical solution

Table of Contents 1. ChatGLM3 model 2. Resource requirements 3. Deployment and installation Configuration Environment Installation process Low-cost configuration and deployment solution 4. Start ChatGLM3 5. Functional testing Freshly released, the domestic GPT version has been iteratively updated~ The Tsinghua team has just released ChatGLM3, and just before the Yunqi Conference, Baichuan also released Baichuan2-192K, […]

GLM2 Lora fine-tuning based on MindFormers

This experiment aims to run the Lora fine-tuning of GLM2 with reference to the official package of MindFormers. To do this, we first need to prepare the following resources and environment: MindFormers Official Kit: This includes relevant code, models and tools for fine-tuning Lora for GLM2. You can directly visit the official website of MindFormers […]

A more powerful bilingual conversation model-ChatGLM3

ChatGLM3 is a new generation of dialogue pre-training model jointly released by Zhipu AI and Tsinghua University’s KEG Laboratory. ChatGLM3-6B is an open source model in the ChatGLM3 series. On the basis of retaining many excellent features of the previous two generations of models such as smooth dialogue and low deployment threshold, ChatGLM3-6B introduces the […]

Large model deployment notes (21) Windows+ChatGLM3

I heard that ChatGLM3 was released. Zhang Xiaobai wanted to try it on Windows: Install Git Large File Storage first: Open Click Download Install the downloaded file: Open Git Bash: Execution: git lfs install At this point, Git LFS is installed successfully. cd /f/ git clone For well-known reasons, this road is blocked. […]