Reprint: TransXNet: A new CNN-Transformer visual backbone that aggregates global and local information, with powerful performance!

Article address:</code><code>Project address: 00 | Introduction Current situation: Recent research integrates convolutions into transformers to introduce inductive bias and improve generalization performance. (1) The static characteristics of traditional convolution make it unable to dynamically adapt to input changes, resulting in a representation difference between convolution and self-attention, because self-attention dynamically calculates the attention […]

How to manually obtain the IOC container (global context object) in spring/springboot?

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 x64 Operating system: win10 x64 bit home edition JDK: 1.8 Article directory Preface 1. How to manually obtain the spring container [ApplicationContext]? Method ①: Get the spring container in the startup class Method ②: Customize the tool class to implement the ServletContextListener interface to obtain the spring container [recommended web project] […]

CSS global styles used in the Bootstrap framework

Website: Layout container Bootstrap requires a .container container to wrap the page content and grid system. We provide two classes for this purpose. Note that due to attributes such as padding, these two container classes cannot be nested in each other. The .container class is used for fixed-width containers that support responsive layout <div […]

[C++ rewriting the bottom layer of Skynet 03] skynet actual combat—insertion and pop-up of global message queue, imitating skynet sending messages, message transmission and message processing between services

Directory of series articles [C++ Rewriting Skynet Bottom Layer 01] Skynet Practical Combat-sunnet basic framework, create, open, wait for thread exit methods, imitate skynet to write message classes [C++ Rewrite Skynet Bottom Layer 02] Skynet Practical Combat-Imitating Skynet to write service classes, object management under multi-threading, spin lock mutex program writing, hash table management objects, […]

Cache (Redis) tool class, including solutions for cache breakdown, cache penetration, and generation of globally unique IDs

Cache (Redis) tool class, including solutions for cache breakdown, cache penetration, and generation of globally unique ids /** * Cache (Redis) tool class, including solutions for cache breakdown, cache penetration, and generation of globally unique IDs * */ public class CacheManipulate {<!– –> //Generate the variables required for global id public static final long BEGIN_TIMESTEMP […]

OpenCV_algorithm: based_on_Python_and_C++, global histogram equalization

OpenCV algorithm: based on Python and C++, global histogram equalization ZouJiu1/Opencv_C_algorithm: algorithm of opencv ( Opencv_C_algorithm/contract/ at master · ZouJiu1/Opencv_C_algorithm ( The grayscale histogram, mentioned above, counts the number of all grayscale values and draws a curve. It can be seen that the number of pixels for each grayscale value has a very obvious difference. […]

Vite+Vue3 project globally introduces scss files

Foreword Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional-grade CSS extension language in the world! It is widely used in the daily project development process. Today I will mainly talk about how to globally introduce scss files in Vite + Vue3 projects and introduce different configurations of mixed mixin files. By the way, let’s […]