[Geek Challenge 2019]BuyFlag 1 (two solutions)

Question environment: FLAG NEED YOUR 100000000 MONEY Flag needs your 100,000,000 yuan F12 Take a look at the source code: if (isset($_POST[‘password’])) {<!– –> $password = $_POST[‘password’]; if (is_numeric($password)) {<!– –> echo “password can’t be number” } elseif ($password == 404) {<!– –> echo “Password Right! } } PHP code audit: Two parameters password and […]

Qt + OpenCV + Halcon + QScintilla implement Halcon’s script engine function (source code)

Foreword In the industrial field, the application of functions such as defect detection and target counting is basically a matter of trial and error. There is no specific standard. Standard modules for the functions can be realized by standardizing the input and output interfaces and replacing the process with a script engine. 1. Qt + […]

Challenges of LLM code generator [Early observation of GDELT]

A growing body of research is beginning to question the quality of code generated by large LLM models, even as the tech industry continues to roll out more and more tools designed to augment or even replace human coders. As we (GDELT) continue to explore and evaluate more and more of these tools, here are […]

[Algorithm Challenge] Top K high-frequency elements (including analysis, source code)

347. Top K high-frequency elements https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/top-k-frequent-elements/ 347. Top K high-frequency elements Question description Method 1: Hash table Ideas Complexity analysis code Method 2: Big top pile Ideas Complexity analysis code Method 3: Small top pile Ideas Complexity analysis code Method 4: Quick selection Ideas Complexity analysis code Title description Given a non-empty integer array, return […]

IIC protocol reads temperature and humidity data (HAL library)

Directory 1. I2C bus protocol 1.1. Introduction to I2C 1.2. Hardware I2C 1.3. Protocol layer 1.3.1 I2C communication composite format 1.3.2 Start and stop signals of communication 1.3.3 Data validity 1.3.4 Address and data direction 1.3.5 Response 2. IIC protocol reads temperature and humidity data 2.1 Experimental content and AHT20 2.2 CubeMX configuration 2.2.1 System […]

stm car HAL library speed measurement PID speed regulation Bluetooth OLED use

//Redirect serial port one int fputc(int ch,FILE *stream) { HAL_UART_Transmit( & amp;huart1,( uint8_t *) & amp;ch,1,0xFFFF); return ch; } //typedef struct __FILE FILE; When using printf, add #include<stdio.h>; 2. Serial port interrupt callback function uint8_t g_ucUsart3ReceiveData; //Save the data received by serial port 3 main.c HAL_UART_Receive_IT( & amp;huart3, & amp;g_ucUsart3ReceiveData,1); //Serial port three receives data […]

STM32-HAL library 09-CAN communication (loopback mode)

1. Materials used: STM32F103C6T6 Minimum System Board STM32CUBEMX (HAL library software) MDK5 Serial debugging assistant 2. What you learned: Preliminarily learn how to use the CAN communication function of STM32. In this chapter, we mainly achieve the effect of on-board CAN communication, that is, 32 sends CAN information and then prints it out through the […]

nkoj P3320 [Small Challenge] Lost Beads

P3320【Small Challenge】Lost Beads Time limit: 20000 MS Space limit: 2500 KB Problem Description Boss He has a box of beads. n n n pieces, number 1 1 1 to n n n. He accidentally knocked the box over and all the beads fell to the ground. He picked up the beads one by one, recording […]