Data structure – headed two-way circular linked list

Hello, I’m Yui. Foreword Speaking of linked lists, we talked about singly linked lists before, but there are more than one types of linked lists, if you want to classify them. Linked lists can be divided into headed or non-headed, one-way or two-way, cyclic or non-cyclic, which means that there should be a total of […]

Customization of HuggingFace model header

Recommended online tools: Three.js AI Texture Development Kit – YOLO synthetic data generator – GLTF/GLB online editing – 3D model format online conversion – Programmable 3D scene editor In this article we’ll cover how to adapt HuggingFace’s model to your task, build a custom model header in Pytorch and connect it to the body of […]

1034 Head of a Gang (30 points)

Title translation: Given N call records and a limit K. Each call record contains two names and a call time, and the people contacted belong to the same gang. The question requires that only a group with more than 2 people and a total call time exceeding K can be counted as a gang, and […]

The front-end Vue combines with the xlxs library to parse excel files and dynamically assemble table headers!

Directory 1 Introduction 2.Data definition 3. Page layout 4. Upload previous events 5. Parse the excel file and assemble the corresponding relationship between the system header and the excel header 6. Drop-down box change event 1. Preface Recently, there is a demand that users can import a custom excel file at will, so that users […]

[Singly linked list] Headless single item without loop (2)

Table of Contents Test.c main function test5 test6 test7 test8 test9 Test.c total code SList.h header file & function declaration head File function declaration SList.h total code SList.c function implementation Query SLFind Insert in front of pos Insert after pos Delete after pos posdelete space release SList.c total code Today’s linked list. Test.c main function […]

[C Language] Data Structure – Headless Single Linked List Example Study

Homepage ?Personal column – data structure learning? Click to followLearn C language together Directory Introduction: 1. Single linked list 1.1 What is a singly linked list? 1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 2. Realize the basic functions of singly linked list 2.1 Define the structure 2.2 Single linked list printing 2.3 Destroy singly linked list 2.4 Dynamically […]

Linux implementation principle – multi-thread scheduling overhead and performance optimization in NUMA multi-core architecture

Foreword NOTE: The “thread” referred to in this article refers to the executable scheduling unit Kernel Thread. NUMA Architecture The design concept of NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access, non-uniform memory access) is to partition the CPU and Main Memory autonomously (Local NUMA node), and to cooperate across regions (Remote NUMA node), in this way to alleviate […]

Guide to the <head> element in HTML: Detailed analysis of key knowledge points and best practices to help you optimize the head of your web page!

Recommended minimum value The following are the basic elements of any web document (website/application): <meta charset=”utf-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″> <!– The above 2 meta tags *must* come first in the <head> to consistently ensure proper document rendering. Any other head element should come *after* these tags. –> <title>Page Title</title> meta charset– defines the encoding […]