Can you build a personal blog on your mobile phone? Build your own blog website with Android Termux+Hexo

Article directory Preface 1. Install Hexo 2.Install cpolar 3.Remote access 4. Fixed public network address Foreword Hexo is a fast, simple and efficient blogging framework written in Nodejs. Hexo uses Markdown to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in a few seconds. The following describes how to install a personal hexo […]

Hexadecimal (base conversion) (Python)

Hex 1. Base conversion Let’s look at decimal and binary first (1) The essence of base conversion We use short division to convert decimal to binary. “Number system” is just a system of symbols to represent the amount of the referenced “quantity”. We use the symbol “1” to represent this concept of “quantity”. The “quantities” […]

snappyHexMeshDict file settings

/*——————————–*- C + + -*—— —————————-*\ | ========= | | | \ / Field | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \ / O peration | Version: v2112 | | \ / A nd | Website: | | \/ M anipulation | | \*————————————————– —————————-*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class […]

Using CSS to achieve a hexagonal effect

Use CSS to achieve hexagonal effect Implementation ideas Use grid for layout, horizontally and vertically centered display Use clip-path: polygon() to draw image hexagons Use transform: translate() to position the hexagon Use filter: grayscale(80%) to filter the image and convert the image to grayscale image Mouse floating zoom effect 1. Grid layout grid Compatibility check. […]

STM32 Getting Started Notes 11_USART serial port data packet + case: USART receives HEX data packet USART receives text data packet

USART serial port data packet Data mode HEX mode/Hex mode/Binary mode: Display in the form of raw data Text mode/Character mode HEX data packet Fixed package length, including header and tail Variable packet length, including header and tail Text packet Fixed package length, including header and tail Variable packet length, including header and tail HEX […]

[CISCN 2019 Preliminary Competition] Love Math executes commands through hexadecimal conversion

Table of Contents hex2bin bin2hex base_convert dynamic function The first solution is to obtain parameters through get bypass The second solution is to read the request header getallheaders echo a,b The third solution is XOR to get more characters This question is also very interesting! By specifying the whitelist and blacklist, the function is specified […]

Hexo commits and updates on multiple computers

Article directory 1. Blog establishment 2. Create a new folder new for uploading the hexo blog directory 3.Create hexo branch on github and set it as the default branch Create hexo branch Set hexo branch as default branch 4. Enter git clone in the newly created folder, and then upload the relevant files to the […]

QML implements file hexadecimal data display

Foreword Drag and drop a binary file directly into Qt Creator to directly view the data format displayed in hexadecimal, such as: It still takes a lot of time to achieve such an effect. I found many examples on the Internet. One of the open source codes works well (refer here), but it is implemented […]

Use Hexo to build a personal blog website

Use Hexo to build a personal blog website This blog will guide you to build a personal blog website from scratch, using Hexo, a powerful static blog generator. Starting from installing and configuring Hexo, to creating and managing articles, to customizing themes, extending functions, deployment and optimization, and finally introducing promotion and sharing strategies to […]