Volatile: The hidden hero of Java concurrent programming

: Just work hard and leave the rest to time : Xiaopozhan Volatile: The invisible hero of Java concurrent programming Preface First: Visibility Issues Second: Prohibit instruction reordering Third: Happens-Before relationship Fourth: Application cases Fifth: Comparison of Volatile, synchronized, and Lock Volatile: synchronized: Lock: Choose the appropriate tool: Sixth: Common misunderstandings and precautions Common misunderstandings: […]

There are hidden dangers in using Mybatis-Plus, it’s so tricky!

Author: confused codeLink: https://juejin.cn/post/7156428078061895710 Foreword MP has been controversial since its emergence. It feels like there have always been two voices. like: It is very convenient. Sql is automatically spliced through functions. There is no need to go to XML or use tags. The Sql written in one minute can now be written in one […]

How to hide encrypted password in python?

There are various Python modules for masking user-entered passwords, one of which is the **maskpass()module. In Python, with the help of themaskpass()module and thebase64()** module, we can hide the user’s password using an asterisk (*) while typing, and then with the help of the base64() module It can be encrypted. maskpass() maskpass() is a Python […]

p5.js canvas operation practice: create, bind specified elements, dynamically adjust size, hide scroll bars, delete canvas

Article Introduction Previously, I briefly talked about how to use p5.js to create a canvas in “Introduction to p5.js Lightspeed”. This time I will introduce several canvas-related methods provided by p5.js. Related configuration when creating canvas. Lets the canvas bind the specified element. Resets the canvas size. Delete the canvas. Before studying this article, you […]

There are N ways to hide elements in CSS, do you know which one is best for you?

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction I. Introduction 2. Implementation method display:none visibility:hidden opacity:0 Set the height and width properties to 0 position:absolute clip-path summary 3. Difference ?Write at the […]

The name of Spring Bean has a hidden secret, so that the name will not be proxied.

Some small usage details are gradually discovered through continuous source code exploration. Today, let’s talk to my friends about how to prevent a bean from being proxied through the setting of beanName! 1. Code practice Suppose I have the following aspect: @Aspect @EnableAspectJAutoProxy @Component public class LogAspect {<!– –> @Pointcut(“execution(* org.javaboy.demo.service.*.*(..))”) public void pc() {<!– […]

17.1 Hide execution of CMD commands

This chapter covers the use of Socket API and CMD command line tools to implement local CMD command execution and pipeless forward CMD and pipeless reverse CMD three functions. Execute the local CMD implementation and use the CreateProcess function to create a new CMD process and redirect the standard input, output and error output to […]

10 | TIME_WAIT: The devil hidden in the details

In the previous basics, we sorted out the basic knowledge involved in network programming. The main content includes the C/S programming model, TCP protocol, UDP protocol and local sockets. In the improvement chapter, I will combine my experience to guide you to a deeper understanding of TCP and UDP. After studying the improvement chapter, I […]

Edabit Algorithm Bacon Encryption: Hidden under the AppearanceHidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight cryptography simulation Instructions This challenge makes use of a modified Baconian (Francis Bacon) cipher. The following is an example of a (modified) Baconian ciphertext: ciphertext = “KNowlEDgE ITsElf Is power.” The peculiar capitalization might, at first glance, suggest that either the lowercase or uppercase letters contain, or code for, the hidden […]