threejs(11)-Proficient in shader programming (difficulty) 2

1. Writing advanced patterns with shader Small Japanese flag precision lowp float; varying vec2 vUv; float strength = step(0.5,distance(vUv,vec2(0.5)) + 0.25); gl_FragColor =vec4(strength,strength,strength,strength); Draw a circle precision lowp float; varying vec2 vUv; float strength = 1.0 – step(0.5,distance(vUv,vec2(0.5)) + 0.25); gl_FragColor =vec4(strength,strength,strength,strength); Ring precision lowp float; varying vec2 vUv; float strength = step(0.5,distance(vUv,vec2(0.5)) + 0.35); […]

Trajectory planning simulation of articulated six-axis manipulator based on MATLAB

Trajectory planning in Cartesian space is divided into linear trajectory planning and arc trajectory planning. This article is a matlab simulation analysis of arc interpolation method in Cartesian space. Table of Contents 1 Experimental purpose 2 Experimental content 2.1 Standard D-H parameter method 2.2 Matlab functions used in experiments 3 all codes 4 Simulation results […]

Design and implementation of agricultural and commercial docking system based on Spring Boot

Table of Contents Preface 1. Technology stack 2. Introduction to system functions Administrator function implementation Seller management User Management After-sales information management Seller function implementation Product information management Order information management Order tracking management Online communication management User function implementation Product information Information information Order information management Order tracking management 3. Core code 1. Login […]

Graduation project source code of agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on springboot

Blogger introduction: Focus on VUE, small programs, Android, Java, python, and Internet of Things. He has 16 years of development experience. He has been engaged in graduation guidance and practical projects for many years. It is very important to choose a suitable graduation project topic. ?Follow?Private message me?with specific questions and I will try my […]

Design and implementation of agricultural product trading system based on springboot graduation project source code

Blogger introduction: Focus on VUE, small programs, Android, Java, python, and Internet of Things. He has 16 years of development experience. He has been engaged in graduation guidance and practical projects for many years. It is very important to choose a suitable graduation project topic. ?Follow?Private message me?with specific questions and I will try my […]

AutosarMCAL – ICU (NXP – S32K14x)

Article directory MCAL – ICU (NXP – S32K14x) 1 Overview 1.1 Introduction to FlexTimer module ICU 1.1.1 How input capture works 1.1.2 Filter 1.1.3 Working principle of double edge capture 2.API 3. Configuration introduction 3.1 IcuChannel 3.1.1 General 3.1.2 IcuSignalEdgeDetection 3.1.3 IcuSignalMeasurement 3.1.4 IcuTimestampMeasurement 3.2 IcuFtm 3.2.1 FTM Modules 3.2.2 IcuFtmChannels 3.3 IcuHwInterruptConfigList 3.4 Introduction […]

Windows Memory Forensics-Medium Difficulty-Part 1

Tools involved: SysInfoTools-ost-viewer-pro volatility_2.6_lin64_standalone VT online tools Image files used: target1-1dd8701f.vmss target2-6186fe9f.vmss POS-01-c4e8f786.vmss Question stem: An employee reported that his machine started behaving strangely after receiving a suspicious security update email. The incident response team captured several memory dumps from the suspect computer for further examination. Analyze the dump and help the SOC analyst team […]

Solve the extremely difficult problem of catching exceptions but being unable to read exception information in the node project

This project integrates the interface code of the third-party NeteaseCloudMusicApi project. I did not use its interface directly because I needed to run another npm run to open a port, which was very troublesome. So I made up my mind to use the code splitting method to integrate part of the API interface code of […]

Two difficult Java Error/Exception

When I was maintaining the company’s products recently, I encountered two Java anomalies that were a headache. I might forget it later, so I wrote a blog to record these problems and solutions. Entity definition Since the company’s code cannot be displayed, I will use objects such as bookstores, books, and authors to illustrate. The […]