The principles of Go language coroutines and the relationship between coroutines and threads! (Very important)

The coroutine of Go language is something unique compared to other languages, and it is also very important. Many times we want to understand its underlying principles, but cannot find suitable knowledge points on the Internet. For example, if you ask GPT, he will answer you like this : Coroutines and threads are both technologies […]

c++ third-party library manager vcpkg imports libraries like python

Introducing the background of vcpkg What is vcpkg vcpkg is an open source C++ library management tool that helps developers quickly install and manage C++ libraries on operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. vcpkg supports more than 1500 C++ libraries, including Boost, OpenSSL, SDL2 and other commonly used libraries. The history and development […]

2. Import and export of docker images

Directory Overview docker common commands download Export Import image Finish Overview Docker common commands The commands used in this chapter are summarized here, with use cases following. Command Function docker images Show images docker rmi $(docker images -q) Delete all images on the system docker rmi -f Force deletion of multiple images: docker rmi -f […]

c# Import excel into sqlite

nuget needs to be loaded EPPlus.Core ExcelDataReader ExcelDataReader.DataSet //Extensions that need to be quoted using ExcelDataReader; using ExcelPackage = OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage; public static void CreateZhouPianChaTable() {<!– –> string tbname = “zhou_pian_cha1”; //Determine whether the table exists bool isExist = TableIsExist(tbname); if (!isExist) {<!– –> SQLiteConnection db = ConnectToDatabase(SqLite1); _sql = $”create table {<!– –>tbname} (ID integer […]

Easypoi map method imports data, List<Map<String, String>> Date item data is empty (null) solution

Directory Preface Solution Foreword When using easypoi map to parse an excel file, if the data format of a certain column in the file is date type, then this tool cannot read it, because its source code reads a certain column in date format, and the data must be a string type, it will handle […]

Front-end project imports vue and element

1. Install nodejs Download link msi Enter cmd command line mode and run as administrator Enter (node -v) to see the version number npm config set prefix “C:\Program Files\\ odejs” default path npm config set prefix ” Write the path to your installation “ Switch npm’s Taobao mirror (npm config set registry 2. Install […]

Not enough samples? Sample generation: An improved algorithm for GAN generation adversarial network-Wasserstein-GAN (WGAN). The data is imported from Excel and run directly!

Applicable platforms: Matlab 2020 and above? GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is a generative model whose working principle can be explained in the following simple way: Generator (Generator):A generator is a network whose task is to accept a random noise signal (usually a random vector) as input, Then try to generate new data samples that are […]

[GEE] 4. Data import and export in Google Earth Engine

1Introduction In this module we will discuss the following concepts: How to bring your own data sets into GEE. How to relate values from remotely sensed data to your own data. How to export features from GEE. 2Background Understanding how animals respond to their environment is critical to understanding how to manage these species. While […]

Java Lecture 6: Package import access modifiers final and static, static code blocks and image loading methods

Table of Contents 1. Package 2. import (import) keyword 3. Access modifiers 3. final keyword 4. static keyword 5. How to load images 1. Package If there is no package, a large project may need to create many, many class files. If the class name is a unique identifier, file name conflicts are likely to […]