[Web Test] JavaScript function definition and call

Function 1. Definition and calling of functions 2. Anonymous functions 1. Definition and calling of functions 1. Function: also known as “method”, solves the problem: realizes the encapsulation of code blocks corresponding to different functions ?Example: Function/method—–>Encapsulated code block—–>Realize a certain function <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <title></title> </head> <body> <script language=”javascript”> //Fun01 with […]

CNN model training–Code practice for verification code identification

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Summary Abstract CNN model training–Verification code identification 1. Code practice 2. Clarify training needs 3. Collect training data 4. CNN network architecture 5. Model training […]

Initial MySQL (2) (add, delete, check and modify tables)

Table of Contents Modify table CRUD (add, delete, modify, check) insert statement (add data to the table) update statement (modify data in the table) delete delete statement select statement Modify table Add column ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype] …); Modify column ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] […]

k-Wave丨Photoacoustic imaging simulation丨Definition of Gaussian sensor frequency response + comparison of simulation functions + setting of initial pressure gradient (5)

This article introduces– 1.How to define Gaussian sensor frequency response: How to express the frequency response of a detector (for example: piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer) when the response has a Gaussian shape, based on the example of a homogeneous propagation medium; 2.Comparison of simulated functions: Introducing a brief comparison between the simulated functions “kspaceFirstOrder2D” and “kspaceecondorder”. […]

Explore Miniconda3: a simple and flexible Python environment and software package management tool

Miniconda3 installation and configuration notes Foreword Miniconda3 is a lightweight Anaconda distribution that provides a flexible and simplified way to manage Python environments and packages. This article will introduce how to install, configure and manage Miniconda3, as well as use the conda command to manage the environment and software packages. Article directory Miniconda3 installation and […]

Yolo-Fastest with environment + training + testing

Yolo-Fastest configuration environment + training + testing Table of contents 1. Matching environment 2. Training 3. Test 1. Matching environment opencv451 vs2019 cmake3.28.0 2. Training 3. Test Directory 1. Environment configuration 2. Training 3. Test Reference for the entire process: YOLO-Fastest trains its own data set: The whole process of training Yolo-Fastest model on Win10 […]