How to insert ordered and unordered lists into Word documents through C# code

Foreword: When editing a Word document, using an ordered list or an unordered list can help us better organize the document content and make its logical relationship more intuitive and easy to understand. For example, create multiple subtitles in the article, or list multiple matters of the same type, etc. An ordered list arranges the […]

Mybatis-plus insert data failed:

Entity class: package com.wqt.springsecruitydemo1.entity; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor //@TableName(“user3”) public class Users3 { // @TableId(type = IdType.AUTO) private Integer id; private String username; private String password; } The first letter of the entity class name here is the same as the name in the […]

Data structure sorting algorithm (simple selection, fast, half insertion sorting)

Table of Contents 1. Simple selection sorting 2. Quick sort 3. Half-way insertion sort 4. Data analysis 5. Source code analysis 1. Simple selection sort //Simple selection sorting void selection_sort(zstu &S,int sum){ bool desc; cout<<“Please enter the sorting method (1 means from high to low and vice versa 0….):”<<endl; cin>>desc; for(int i=0;i<sum-1;i + + ){ […]

Understanding AVL trees at the nanny level [C++] (intensive lecture: AVL Insert)

Table of Contents Preface 1. Concept 2. Definition Three, insert 1. Insertion situation Situation one: Situation two: Situation three: 2. Rotation method Method One: Left Single Rotation Method Method 2: Right single rotation method Method three: first left and then right double rotation method Method 4: First right and then left double rotation method Test […]

Discussion on MySQL bulk data insertion scheme

Because the company has a need to insert a large amount of data, it took time to research it, and currently summarizes 5 methods: Single data loop insertion Perform sql splicing and insertion Batch insertion using mybatis plus (mp) Combined with sql splicing + loop insertion An upgraded version of 4, inserted into the same […]

DEADLOCK in MYSQL batch insert concurrent scenario

1. Background On the morning of 2023-10-12 (Thursday), Yamei in the group reported that a user-generated label reported a deadlock exception. 2. Check exception logs Find the error log reported at that time The specific exception information is as follows server-provider-info-2023-10-12.0.log:2023-10-12 09:40:50.593 [TID:bf623bded189486cbb0b6a64d81b64b4.357.16970748504097047] [4ed7b7943a8a47de912e4b644d70285e] [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-5080] INFO com. emax.user.user.provider.UserTagAPIImpl:? – Signing completed, user tag information updated […]

c# operate tables in word, batch copy and batch insert

The dll package that comes with Windows is used, and no third party is referenced. 1 WordHelper.cs using System; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace cadWord { public class WordHelper { private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document wDoc = null; private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wApp = null; public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document Document { get { return wDoc; } set { wDoc = value; } […]

Canal Five Steps – How to deal with the idempotence of insert

canal uses Rocketmq to receive binlog events collected by mysql to decouple collection and processing. At the same time, it meets the needs of multiple parties for consumption at one time. So since Rocketmq is used, there will definitely be problems with MQ consumption timeout or MQ retransmission of failed processing. So how does canal […]

Several ways to insert test data in batches in MySQL

Foreword During the development process, whether we use it to test performance or make the page display more beautiful in the production environment, or to learn and verify a certain knowledge point, we often need some test data. At this time, if we type by hand, ten or twenty lines are fine. If there are […]

Python automatically processes pptx: create new, save as, add slides, add titles, insert text pictures and graphics, extract text

The Python-pptx library is a Python library for creating, updating, and reading Microsoft PowerPoint .pptx files. It allows us to use Python scripts to automate the creation, update and reading of PowerPoint files. It is a very convenient tool for automating PPTX processing. Installation pip install python-pptx Create from pptx import Presentation ppt = Presentation() […]