Sonatype Nexus deployment docker installation nexus3

Nexus is a powerful Maven warehouse manager that greatly simplifies the maintenance of your own internal warehouse and access to external warehouses. 1. Check available Nexus3 versions You can check other versions of nexus3 through Sort by. The default is the latest version sonatype/nexus3:latest. &name=3.30.1 Because the version used by the company is nexus3:3.30.1, […]

Installation and configuration explanation of Log4j and Log4j2

What is a log? A log is a file that records detailed information about events or behaviors that occur when a system or application is running. It usually includes information such as timestamp, event type, event description, etc., so that troubleshooting, performance optimization, security auditing, etc. can be performed when needed. Logs can help developers […]

centos7 installation and configuration openstack deployment (1)

Article directory Preface 1. Architecture introduction 2. Preparation 1. Configure hosts 2. Change the host name and configure hosts mapping 3. Turn off the firewall, core protection, and network management 4. Mount the CD 5. Configure local source files 6. Time server deployment 7. Time client deployment 3. Install auxiliary components (rabbittmq, memcached, mariadb) 1. […]

Docker install Redis

Pull the Redis image docker search redis Pull Redis docker pull redis View pull results docker images -a Create REDIS container View redis image details docker inspect redis Find redis version docker inspect redis –format='{<!– –>{json .Config.Env}}’ #View REDIS_VERSION REDIS_VERSION: [“PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin”,”GOSU_VERSION=1.16″,”REDIS_VERSION=7.2 .2″,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL=”,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_SHA=ca999be08800edc6d265379c4c7aafad92f0ee400692e4e2d69829ab4b4c3d08″] Create redis configuration file Official website download configuration file cannot access the […]

Ubuntu vscode detailed installation and cmake configuration, git push and pull, shortcuts

Ubuntu vscode installation and cmake configuration detailed operations Install vscode Solution to the slow or failed download of VSCode official website_vscode cannot be downloaded_Who knows this kid’s blog-CSDN blog 1. The official website may fail to download due to network problems. You can use the above method to download 2. First go to the […]

Docker installation of mysql, redis, rabbitmq, es, nacos under Liunx

1. Environment preparation Note: Ignore if related tools have already been installed. 1Install JAVA operating environment Step 1: Upload or download the installation package cd /usr/local jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 2: Unzip the installation package tar -zxvf jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 3: Establish a soft connection ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_152/ /usr/local/jdk Step 4: Modify environment variables vim /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk […]

Pytorch installation and configuration in pycharm and jupyter-CPU detailed version

1. Create a virtual environment conda create -n virtual environment name python=3.6 It prompts me that I have already created this virtual environment, select y. After creation, the following screen is displayed Check again whether the creation is successful Enter the following command conda env list From the picture below, you can see that it […]

Linux environment Centos7 installation MySQL5.7 (rpm-bundle.tar)

Table of Contents 1.Download 2. Uninstall 3.Installation 4.Connect 1.Download Official website address: Download results cd /usr/local mkdir mysql rz Upload the downloaded mysql package to the new /usr/local/mysql in linux upload completed 2.Uninstall Clear pre-installed mariadb or mysql 1. Query the installed mariadb and mysql rpm -aq|grep -i mariadb;rpm -aq|grep -i mysql; 2. Uninstall […]