Super detailed! A must-see for newbies! STM32–EXTI external interrupt

1. What is an external interrupt? External interrupts are interrupts triggered by external events on pins external to the microprocessor or microcontroller, usually GPIO pins. These external events can be triggers from external devices, sensors, or other external sources. 2. Details of external interrupt The registers managed by the AFIO clock include AFIO_EVCR (time control […]

Serial communication based on interrupt/DMA mode

1. Introduction to serial port interrupts 1. Serial port sending/receiving function HAL_UART_Transmit(); Serial port sends data, using timeout management mechanism HAL_UART_Receive(); The serial port receives data and uses the timeout management mechanism HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(); Serial port interrupt mode transmission HAL_UART_Receive_IT(); Serial port interrupt mode reception HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(); Serial port DMA mode transmission HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(); Serial port DMA mode […]

ESP32 IDF Development Driver Chapter 5 GPIO and External Interrupt Explanation

ESP32 IDF Development Driver Chapter 5 GPIO and External Interrupt Explanation 1 Introduction 2. Principle 3. Related functions 4. Software design 5. Example analysis 6. The following are the debugging results: Don’t get lost-Navigation bar Quickly navigate to find what you want (article directory) If this article is useful to you, please like and save […]

Serial port interrupt (9) real-time analysis of user-defined communication protocol – fixed situation of receiving data

This article is the original csdn first release of the blogger. I hope it will be helpful to you after reading it. Please correct me if I have any shortcomings! Let’s communicate and learn together and make progress together! > Posted by: @日月同光, symbiotic with me_SCM-CSDN Blog >You are welcome to like the original blogger […]

Interrupt mode and DMA mode complete serial communication

Article directory 1. Basic introduction to DMA 2. Complete tasks by interrupting 1. Use STM32CubeMX to create a new project 2. Code writing 3. Hardware implementation 3. Complete the task using DMA method 1. Use STM32CubeMX to create a new project 2. Code writing 3. Demonstration of running results 4. Reference materials 1. Basic introduction […]

GD32L23X USART+DMA idle interrupt to send and receive data

GD32L23X USART + DMA idle interrupt to send and receive data DMA + USART1 sends and receives data Idle interrupt function and macro definition USART1 Understanding of hardware flow control concepts (need to add two more lines) DMA DMA direct memory access controller DMAMUX basic functions printf redefinition DMA + USART1 sends and receives data […]