Data structure – headed two-way circular linked list

Hello, I’m Yui. Foreword Speaking of linked lists, we talked about singly linked lists before, but there are more than one types of linked lists, if you want to classify them. Linked lists can be divided into headed or non-headed, one-way or two-way, cyclic or non-cyclic, which means that there should be a total of […]

06-Solving circular dependency issues in Spirng

Bean circular dependency problem Circular dependency: A object has B attribute, and B object has A attribute (the husband class Husband has a reference to Wife, and the wife class Wife has a reference to Husband) When the toString() method is overridden and directly outputs wife/husband, a stack memory overflow error caused by recursion will […]

Greedy Proof | Least Circle Covering Problem

Minimum circle coverage problem Problem Description algorithm design Optimal substructure properties greedy selectivity code Problem description Original title link There are some ships on the sea that need to communicate with the land, and some base stations need to be deployed on the coastline. Now abstract the problem as, above the x-axis, give the coordinates […]

Graph theory 10-Hamiltonian circuit and Hamiltonian path + state compression + memory search

Article directory 1 Hamiltonian circuit 2 Implementation of Hamiltonian cycle algorithm 2.1 Conventional backtracking algorithm 2.2 Introduce variables to record the number of remaining unvisited nodes 3 Hamiltonian path problem 4 state compression 4.1 Check whether the i-th bit is 1 4.2 Set the i-th bit to 1 or 0 4.3 Summary 4.4 Application of […]

Spring circular dependency solution

Foreword: A BeanCurrentlyInCreationException occurred in the test environment, causing the backend service to fail to start. At first glance, it was a circular dependency in Spring’s bean management. There are circular dependencies of beans in the project, which is a sign of low code quality. Most people hope that the framework layer will wipe their […]