Detailed explanation of java HashMap source code

Article directory Detailed explanation of java HashMap source code HashMap source code 1 put method process 2 expansion 3 get method Detailed explanation of java HashMap source code Java HashMap is an implementation of the Map interface based on a hash table, which can store a data structure of key-value pairs. The characteristics of HashMap […]

jsp+servlet hospital appointment registration system based on javaweb+mysql (java+jdbc+jsp+mysql+ajax)

jsp + servlet hospital appointment registration system based on javaweb + mysql (java + jdbc + jsp + mysql + ajax) Private message Source code acquisition and debugging communication Operating environment Java≥8, MySQL≥5.7, Tomcat≥8 development tools eclipse/idea/myeclipse/sts, etc. can be configured to run Be applicable Course design, major assignments, graduation projects, project exercises, learning demonstrations, […]

jsp+servlet simple message board based on javaweb+mysql (java+jsp+servlet+javabean+mysql+tomcat)

jsp + servlet simple message board based on javaweb + mysql (java + jsp + servlet + javabean + mysql + tomcat) Private message Source code acquisition and debugging communication Operating environment Java≥8, MySQL≥5.7, Tomcat≥8 development tools eclipse/idea/myeclipse/sts, etc. can be configured to run Be applicable Course design, major assignments, graduation projects, project exercises, learning […]

javascript:void($=o),javascript void o

Hello everyone, the editor will answer the question of javascript:void($=o). Many people still don’t know javascript void o, let’s take a look at it now! JavaScript object-oriented (ES5 article) 1. JavaScript object-oriented 1. Several ways to create objects in JavaScript 1. 1. Constructor pattern 1. 2. Factory mode 1. 3. Prototype mode 1. 4. Combined […]

JavaCollection (3) Map

1. Characteristics of Map interface implementation class 1)Map and Collection exist side by side. Used to save data with mapping relationships: Key-Value 2) The key and value in the Map can be any reference type data and will be encapsulated into the HashMap$Node object. 3) Keys in Map are not allowed to be repeated 4) […]

Queue in java

Article directory 1. Concept 2. Use of queues 2.1 Queue in java standard library 2.2 Implementation method 2.3 Simulate queue implementation 3. Classification of queues 3.1 Sequential Queue—-Circular Queue 3.2 Chain queue—-double-ended queue 4.Arraylist 1. Concept A special linear table that only allows data insertion operations at one end and deletion data operations at the […]

Springboot java introduces Mqtt to receive and send messages under the framework of the front and back separation version

This is just one of them, and it is a superficial method of receiving and sending messages. The synchronization mechanism needs to be communicated and confirmed with colleagues engaged in the Internet of Things to see if it can be implemented. Or if there are many devices, the synchronization mechanism will not be used. First, […]