kettle snapshot-based CDC

1. Input and output requirements for conversion ?The first step is to copy the data in the student_cdc table to the student_cdc_sanp1 table, making student_cdc_sanp1 the first snapshot of the student_cdc table, and at the same time output the data to the student_cdc_sync table. ?The second step is to insert, update, and delete the data […]

Big data processing and analysis solution based on Kettle + StarRocks + FineReport

Big data processing and analysis solution of Kettle + StarRocks + FineReport Among them, Kettle is responsible for the ETL processing of data, StarRocks is responsible for the storage and retrieval of massive data, and FineReport is responsible for data visualization. exhibit. The overall process is as follows: If you don’t understand the above three […]

Linux deployment ETL tool kettle

1 System environment jdk1.8 kettle8 centos7 2 Configuration process 2.1 Configure jdk Check if there is a java environment java -version If not, execute the following command, if yes, skip it mkdir /usr/local/java cd /usr/local/java tar -zxvf jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz vim /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_101 export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib:$CLASSPATH export JAVA_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JRE_HOME}/bin export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_PATH} source /etc/profile java -version date […]

Install and deploy Kettle8.2 on ubuntu22

Premise Kettle is an ETL open source tool written in pure Java. Currently, both Kettle7 and Kettle8 require Java8 or above to run properly. Therefore, before running kettle, first check whether the java environment is correctly configured and whether the java version is 8 or above. kettle installation 1. Create the kettle directory and extract […]

kettle simple-jndi configuration center configuration SampleData/type=javax.sql.DataSource SampleData/driver=org.h2.Driver SampleData/url=jdbc:h2:file:./samples/db/sampledb;IFEXISTS=TRUE SampleData/user=PENTAHO_USER SampleData/password=PASSWORD SampleDataAdmin/type=javax.sql.DataSource SampleDataAdmin/driver=org.h2.Driver SampleDataAdmin/url=jdbc:h2:file:./samples/db/sampledb;IFEXISTS=TRUE SampleDataAdmin/user=PENTAHO_ADMIN SampleDataAdmin/password=PASSWORD Quartz/type=javax.sql.DataSource Quartz/driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Quartz/url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/quartz Quartz/user=pentaho_user Quartz/password=password Hibernate/type=javax.sql.DataSource Hibernate/driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Hibernate/url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/hibernate Hibernate/user=hibuser Hibernate/password=password Shark/type=javax.sql.DataSource Shark/driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Shark/url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/shark shark/user=sa Shark/password= PDI_Operations_Mart/type=javax.sql.DataSource PDI_Operations_Mart/driver=org.postgresql.Driver PDI_Operations_Mart/url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/hibernate?searchpath=pentaho_operations_mart PDI_Operations_Mart/user=hibuser PDI_Operations_Mart/password=password #oceanbase database jndi configuration: # oceanbase_LOCAL localhost oceanbase_LOCAL/type=javax.sql.DataSource oceanbase_LOCAL/ oceanbase_LOCAL/url=jdbc:oceanbase:// &characterEncoding=utf-8 &rewriteBatchedStatements=true &allowMultiQueries=true oceanbase_LOCAL/user=root@tenantfish oceanbase_LOCAL/password= #DB2 database jndi configuration: #DB_LOCAL localhost DB_LOCAL/type=javax.sql.DataSource DB_LOCAL/ […]

[My story with openGauss] Kettle connects to openGauss 5.0.0 database

Preface Kettle introduction (source Baidu Encyclopedia) Kettle was originally an open source ETL tool, its full name is KDE Extraction, Transportation, Transformation and Loading Environment. In 2006, Pentaho acquired the Kettle project. Matt Casters, the original initiator of the Kettle project, joined the Pentaho team and became the data integration architect of the Pentaho suite […]

Kettle gets system time, sets variables, gets variables

kettle gets system time, sets variables, gets variables two ways regular expression java code 1. New Transformation Create a new conversion, select Get System Information in the input regular expression Select regular expression script in script Why choose a regular expression script (simple, easy to use) 2023/07/29 13:44:27.242 — This is the system date format […]

Kettle implements MD5 encryption

Kettle implements MD5 encryption background introduction Implementation steps overview 1. Generate a record of the simulated data stream input 2. Edit the JavaScript script to encrypt the field 3. Verify the encryption result demo attachment Background introduction Kettle version: 9.2 The MD5 encryption of the data stream field is realized through the “JavaScript code” component; […]